Should diabetes patients really stay away from pickles, blood sugar increases, know the reality from experts



Pickle is a good fermented food but a lot of salt i.e. sodium and oil is used in it.
If someone likes pickle, then eat fresh pickle.

Pickles Good or Bad for Diabetes: On hearing the name of pickle, mouth starts watering. Pickle makes the taste of food more tasty. Pickle is made from many things including mango, amla, chili, jackfruit. Some people eat pickle with every dish. By the way, pickle contains good bacteria which is very beneficial for the intestine. Apart from this, the amount of carbohydrate in pickle is very less, so it does not cause the problem of increasing blood sugar. In a report published in PubMed Central, research has been told that vinegar is mixed in pickle, due to which it reduces overall blood sugar. However, the truth is that despite so many benefits, doctors forbid diabetes patients to eat pickles.

How pickles harm diabetic patients, for this we asked Chief Clinical Dietician and Diabetic Expert at Apollo Hospitals Bangalore Dr. Priyanka Rohatgi talked to. Dr. Priyanka told that excessive consumption of pickle not only harms the patients of blood pressure but it can also indirectly harm the patients of diabetes.

Increases blood sugar in this way
Dr. Priyanka Rohatgi told that pickle is a good fermented food but a lot of salt ie sodium and oil are used in it. When we eat pickles, we do not give up eating salt in other things. This means that we are consuming too much total salt. Earlier in the office, we used to pack pickles along with bread and vegetables. So sometimes in that situation it is okay but nowadays we eat many packaged things outside. Like chips, papad, chutney, biscuits, bhujia, pizza, burger, junk food etc. In such a situation, there is a lot of salt in these things. This means that now we eat more salt than ever before. Apart from this, if we eat pickles daily, then the amount of salt in our body will be very high.

Eating more salt will lead to high blood pressure, but usually people do not know this. In such a situation, if BP is not treated, then both kidney and heart have a very bad effect. Because while maintaining high blood pressure, stiffness starts coming in the muscles. Due to this, the capacity of the heart starts to weaken. Dr. Priyanka has said that when someone has diabetes, he is already at the highest risk of blood pressure and heart related diseases. In a way, he is at high risk. In such a situation, if a diabetic patient is eating pickle continuously, then due to high blood pressure, insulin resistance will start in him. In this way, it will have an indirect effect on diabetes patients.

What to do for pickle lovers

Dr. Priyanka told that if someone likes pickle very much, then he should eat fresh pickle or add more ginger and lemon to it. If the quantity of lemon is high then it will not be much harmful for diabetes patients. Yes, for those who eat less outside things, pickle will not be that harmful. If you eat salad with pickle, it will balance it. It would be better to eat less salt and fresh pickle in limited quantity.

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Tags: Diabetes, Health, Health tips, Lifestyle


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