Samosa bread pakora kachauri ban in delhi aiims now director orders to provide millets based healthy food in canteens



In the All India Institute of Ayurveda, patients are given millet food.
Now instructions have been given to serve millets, fruits and nutritious food in Delhi AIIMS as well.

New Delhi. In the capital’s largest hospital All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), major changes are being made in the food provided to patients, relatives and hospital staff. Samosa, Kachori and Bread Pakora available in the hospital have been completely banned. At the same time, instructions have been given to the canteen operators to include healthy food items like fresh fruits, millet food, eggs etc. in their place.

Delhi’s Ayurvedic Hospital only last week AIIA after returning from AIIMS Director Dr. M. Srinivas It was said in the order issued by the AIIMS that the food available in the canteens of AIIMS, Samosa, Kachori, Bread Pakoda etc. is not good for health. This food is eaten by doctors, nursing staff, relatives of patients and other employees working in the hospital who need to eat healthy. In such a situation, healthy food should be served in all cafeterias like sprouted pulses and grains, eggs, milk, boiled gram, fresh fruits, fruit juices, salads, poha, upma etc., as served in Delhi’s All India Institute of Ayurveda. Used to be.

Patients in AIIMS will also eat kodo upma, dry ginger laddoos?
Let us tell you that AIIMS Director Dr. Srinivas, who reached All India Institute of Ayurveda a few days ago, had inquired about the food being served to the patients in AIIA. Seeing the millets-based food being fed to the patients at AIIA, such as kodo upma, ragi buttermilk, jowar and bajra khichda, barley porridge, carrot halwa, dry ginger laddoos, saman ke rice kheer, bottle gourd burfi, etc., Dr. Srinivas was very happy and expressed his desire to start this type of food in Delhi AIIMS as well. The AIIMS director had also taken their menu from the health department of AIIA and talked about making changes in AIIMS soon.

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In such a situation, if sources are to be believed, soon an order can be placed in Delhi AIIMS for nutritious food made from millets i.e. coarse grains such as millet, sorghum, ragi, kodo, barley, sago etc. It is possible that a decision may also be taken to provide nutritious food or diet to the patients similar to the food available in Ayurvedic hospitals.

AIIMS director also takes diet
AIIMS director Dr. Srinivas himself also takes a diet of coarse grains daily. Dr. Srinivas had also told in AIIA that he eats food made of ragi daily for breakfast and also eats digestible coarse grain food in lunch.

Tags: AIIMS, Aiims delhi, AIIMS director


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