Putin is afraid of American attack, Moscow will go to this extent to give a befitting reply, making this fierce strategy of retaliation



Russia will create a new military strategy for the use of nuclear weapons to defend against American attack.
It is being linked to the rhetoric after US President Biden’s visit to Ukraine.
Putin has suspended a historic nuclear arms control treaty.

Moscow. Russia has now started the work of formulating a new military strategy to defend itself from a possible US attack. A magazine of the Russian Defense Ministry says that Moscow is developing a new military strategy for the use of nuclear weapons to defend against a possible US attack. This article is the latest in a series of attacking comments from Russian politicians and commentators following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24 February last year. Which is being linked to the rhetoric after US President Joe Biden’s visit to Ukraine.

According to the report of Russia’s news agency RIA (RIA), an article published in the magazine Voennaya Mysl (Military Thought) says that Washington is worried about the possibility of losing the current dominance over the world. In order to weaken Russia, the US had apparently planned to attack it. Therefore, if necessary, Moscow should make a new plan to use its huge stockpile of nuclear weapons. Keeping in mind the modern military technology, Russia has to continue the development of offensive and defensive nuclear and non-nuclear weapons. The article states that Moscow needs to be able to prove that the US cannot defeat its nuclear missile system. America will not be successful in stopping its retaliatory attack.

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However, Russia’s Defense Ministry did not immediately respond to a question asked to confirm the RIA report. russian president Vladimir Putin (Vladimir Putin) suspended a historic nuclear arms control treaty last week. He has threatened to resume nuclear tests. Moscow says it will only use nuclear weapons if Russia’s territorial integrity is threatened. Whereas Putin’s associates have continuously claimed that nuclear crisis may come in the near future. Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said this week that the continuous supply of weapons to Kiev from Western countries has increased the risk of a nuclear war on Ukraine, which could prove to be a global catastrophe.

Tags: America, Joe Biden, Nuclear weapon, Russia, Russia ukraine war, Vladimir Putin


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