Pizza chefs and assistants Athens (Museum) – Pizzerias

It seems like you’ve provided information about a job opportunity for pizza makers and experienced assistants in Exarchia. If someone is interested in applying for the position, they should contact the pizzeria at the provided phone number: +306946240659.

Here are some tips for potential applicants:

  1. Prepare a Resume: Ensure your resume includes relevant experience in pizza making, pasta preparation, and dough handling. Highlight any previous work in the food industry.
  2. Contact the Pizzeria: Call the provided number to express your interest in the job and inquire about the application process. Be professional and polite during the conversation.
  3. Ask Questions: If you get in touch with the pizzeria, feel free to ask questions about the job requirements, working hours, wages, and any other relevant details.
  4. Prepare for an Interview: Be ready to discuss your previous experience, skills, and why you are interested in working at the pizzeria. Think about how your skills align with the requirements of the job.
  5. Dress Professionally: If an interview is scheduled, dress appropriately for a job in the food industry. Clean and professional attire is usually a good choice.

Good luck to anyone applying for the position! G