Passengers were disturbed by the smell of sweat of the couple sitting in the flight without bathing! , the air hostess pulled out


Recently, a family traveling in an American flight has made such an allegation on the American airline, due to which not only this matter has started to go viral on social media, but people have also been shocked to hear this allegation. In fact, a family has accused American Airlines of embarrassing him and kicking him off the flight for strange reasons. The husband and wife say that American Airlines stopped them from traveling saying that their body smelled strongly of sweat. This smell is disturbing other passengers on the flight.

The crew was ejected from the plane
The man accusing American Airlines of embarrassing him is named Yossi Adler and his wife’s name is Jenny. Both the husband and wife are residents of Detroit, USA and were going to travel from Miami International Airport with their 19-month-old daughter. But they were taken off the plane before the journey started. The husband and wife say that they were not told any reason while getting off but after some time when the husband and wife tried to find out the reason for doing so. So, he was told that he was not allowed to travel because of the strong smell of sweat.

Is this the real reason?
However, Mr Adler, 36, a business consultant, believes that although this was the reason his family was kicked off the plane, there was no smell of sweat coming from his body. He believes the real reason he was not allowed on the flight was something else.

Mr. Adler said that because he is Jewish, he was not allowed to travel and I am sure that American Airlines will never admit that he was prevented from traveling under the guise of religion. But this is the truth. The husband and wife said that they were going to their home. But due to such behavior of the airlines, he had to cancel his flight.


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