No Heart Attack in Japan South Korea and France low cholesterol level secret to keep at bay from cardiovascular diseases know diet plan to reduce of LDL



Japan, South Korea and France are the countries with the least number of deaths due to heart related diseases.
140.72 per one lakh population in India

Low Cholesterol Level in Japan, Korea, France: The problem of heart attack is increasing rapidly in the changing lifestyle. Now a large number of youths are also falling prey to it. After the Corona crisis, the cases of death due to heart attack and cardiac arrest have increased even more. But, do you know that there are many countries in the world where the death rate due to heart attack is very low. These are very developed countries but they are not America or England. These countries have controlled the effect of this disease to a great extent by adopting a better lifestyle. Actually, it has been decided from the research so far that heart attack or Heart One of the important reasons behind other diseases is lifestyle. If you follow a better lifestyle then these things can be controlled to a great extent.

Today we are talking about three countries. These three countries are Japan, South Korea and France. These three countries have the least number of deaths due to heart attack in the world. According to a website World Life, Japan is at 181st rank in this matter. Here only 30.62 people die per one lakh people due to heart disease. France is ranked 182nd. Here only 30.17 people die per one lakh population due to heart related diseases. Then comes the name of South Korea. Its place is 183rd. Here only 27.78 people die per one lakh population due to heart disease.

9 times death in India
According to World Life, in India heart disease The official death toll is 140.72 per one lakh population. Which is about five times compared to Japan, France and South Korea. But, we have to keep in mind that the health system in our country is very low compared to these countries and a large number of deaths related to heart disease are not recorded here. The figures released by the website are official only. Means the patients who died in the hospital. According to another report of the National Library for Medicine, 272 people die of heart disease per one lakh population in India. According to the WHO report, every fifth death due to heart disease in the world occurs in India.

Why are deaths less in Japan, Korea and France?
The United Nations and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development have made it clear in their respective reports that Japan, France and South Korea have heart disease The least number of people die from it. The most important factor behind this is the tolerance of these countries. We all also need to learn from them. Be it America or many other countries of Europe or be it about India or China. Today most of the countries of the world are suffering the most from this disease.

eating less than hungry
One of the biggest features of the people of Japan is that these people do not eat till their throats at one go like we Indians. There is a saying in Japan called ‘Hara Hachi Bu’. This means that only 80 percent is 100 percent. It is applied regarding the quantity of food.

fermented food
Korean food is not complete without fermented food. Fermented food is considered very useful for the heart. If we talk in the context of India, then idli, dosa, kadhi, buttermilk can be kept in the category of fermented food. These foods are very low in fat and they are the best probiotics.

fish and green tea
heart disease direct relation of cholesterol level is from. In such a situation, it is wise to avoid things with cholesterol. People of Japan, Korea and France have adopted these things in their lifestyle. There is a culture of drinking green tea here. Along with this, there has been a culture of eating fish instead of mutton and chicken in these countries. Different types of she foods are available here. Vitamin D and protein are available in plenty from Shea Foods. Omega-3 fatty acid is also available in good quantity in these, which is very beneficial for heart health.

emphasis on physical activity
There is a very good culture in these countries. Here people like to walk and stand more and more. According to a report, if you sit for an hour after the age of 25, then your age decreases by 21 minutes. It is also said that very few people in Japan have TV installed in their homes. It is believed that due to having a TV in the house, they will sit for a long time, which is not good for their health.

best healthcare
Excellent health facilities are also an important reason behind very few deaths due to heart disease in these countries. These three countries are the countries with better health facilities in the world. People here have a thorough medical check-up every year. Along with this, the facility of ambulance and hospital is the best in the world. For example, in Japan there are about 1200 beds per one lakh population. On the other hand, only 50 beds are available per one lakh population in India.


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