Two accused who escaped from Jammu and Kashmir after murder opened fire on the police in Amritsar. The Jammu and Kashmir Police reached Hotel Bharat near the railway station at 2.15 am to arrest the two accused.
When the police started to arrest the accused, they opened fire on the police. In which one employee was injured. The injured soldier has been admitted to Amandeep Hospital. The Amritsar Civil Line Police has arrested the two accused Arun Chaudhary alias Abu Jat and Atul Chaudhary alias Ravi who opened fire and registered a case.
Civil Line Police SHO Khushboo Sharma said that the Jammu and Kashmir Police had contacted them yesterday. After which ASI Rajendra Kumar of Civil Line went to the hotel with him as a guide. Amritsar police has registered a case of attempted murder against the accused. Soon the accused will be produced in the court and remanded.