Medical shampoo kills lice, but how to get rid of lice? 4 remedies will work, itching of the head will also go away



Use tea tree oil, peppermint oil for hair oiling.
By making the texture of the hair smooth, you will get rid of the problem of hair.

Hair Lice Home Treatment: With the help of medical shampoo, the lice in the head end in a few days, but the nits remain frozen in the roots of the hair. Because of which the problem of head lice starts again. Due to nits, the head keeps on itching throughout the day and the hair also starts getting weak gradually. These are visible from a distance in the hair due to which the image among the people is also spoiled. Actually, like lice, the pen cannot be easily eliminated. But if you want to get rid of it, then you can take the help of some home remedies.

get rid of nit like this

comb hair like this
According to Myoclinic, if you want to get rid of the nits, clean the hair and apply conditioner to wet hair first and then comb the head and hair thoroughly with a fine comb. Do this every week for 3 to 4 days. Wash hair after combing.

Use essential oil
It has been found in researches that plant-based essential oils help in eliminating dandruff to a great extent. For this, you can use tea tree oil, peppermint oil for hair oiling. You put a few drops of essential oil in coconut or olive oil and apply it well in the hair. Then wash the hair after 1 hour.

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Make hair texture smooth
You can use things like mayonnaise, olive oil, margarine, butter, petroleum jelly to get the nits out of the hair easily. Apply it well on the hair and roots and apply a shower cap and leave it overnight. Comb and wash hair in the morning.

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Home remedies will come in handy
Mix lemon juice with ginger paste and apply it well on the root of the head. Wash your head after half an hour. You do this every three days. Hair strands will end. You can also use camphor in hair care.

Tags: Hair Beauty tips, Lifestyle


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