know what is horny behavior and how to deal with it. Learn what is high libido and how to deal with it.


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Low libido i.e. decreased libido is common due to work pressure and stress. Sometimes it becomes a cause of concern for intimate health. But in some cases it can be vice versa. In some women, high libido means libido becomes very high. This is also called Horny Behavior (Why I am so horny). Experts do not consider it a major disease. It is considered a personal feeling. It can be controlled by some measures. Let us know what is high libido or being horny and how to deal with it (How to deal with horny behavior).

What is hypersexuality or high libido?

According to a research article published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior, hormones play a big role in sex drive. Changes or deficiency and excess in these can cause changes in the body. The sex hormone testosterone is found in everyone. When the testosterone level increases, it also increases the sex drive. Because of this, you have high libido or excessive sexuality. Studies show that you are most likely to feel horny in the morning.

Why am I so horny?

There can be many reasons for feeling horny. Ovulation starts 14-15 days before the start of the period. In this, the egg is released from the ovary. During this time the testosterone level increases very much. Due to this, you may feel horny. Also, Some women also start feeling horny due to pregnancy, stress, alcohol, lack of sound sleep. Sex drive becomes high even when there is a lot of love in the relationship. Apart from mental stress, if you have physical If you have health-related stress too, then you may feel horny.

Here are 5 ways to deal with horny behavior

1 Have regular sex

According to the Journal of Sexual Medicine, if you have frequent sexual desire or always feel aroused. Consent for sex with the partner. Have sex as desired. Intimate relationship increases satisfaction in the relationship. This reduces stress and also increases cognitive functioning. Sex can be done everyday or every other day.

2 Masturbation is also beneficial

According to the Journal of Sex Research, the easiest way to release sexual energy is through masturbation. This process helps in releasing the stored sex energy by activating both the body and the mind. If the partner is not ready or you have any kind of problem, then virtual sex can also take out your sexual energy. Watching porn with a partner or alone can help with this action.

3 Exercise can reduce sexuality

Any type of activity and exercise that stretches the body reduces stress.

Exercise can help reduce hypersexuality. Image: Shutter Stock

It may also help with the secretion of feel-good hormones. This can provide relief from the tension that is going to occur due to sex drive.

4 Meditation can be effective

According to the Journal of Sexual Medicine, the medicine for every merge is meditation. This technique is often used to seek help in treating any type of addiction. First of all, sit in the state of meditation. Pay attention to the process of inhaling and exhaling. Meditation helps to focus on the present moment.

5 Seek help from a sex therapist

If horny behavior is affecting your work, relationships or other areas of life, then your problem may increase. immediately someone experienced see a sex therapist

therapist is different from friend
The therapist will give you the right advice like a best friend. Image: Adobe Stock

At the end

Also pay attention to your diet, behavior, study material, TV, internet content. Sometimes excessive fried food also affects your sex drive. That’s why it is important to pay attention to food and drink.

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