In 15 days the glasses will come off, just do this work


EyeSight Increase Tips: The main reason for wearing glasses is poor eyesight. Nowadays, not only the youth, the burden of this has increased on the small children as well. Many people see very little without glasses. In all these cases, the reason for the poor lighting is from staring at a screen for hours to lack of nutrients. However, it can be cured by adjusting the diet and following some home remedies. By doing these recipes regularly, the thick glasses on the eyes will gradually go away.

These measures should be regular
If you want to enhance your eyesight and remove your glasses then you are. These rules have to be followed every day. You will get results only if you do it regularly. This will reduce the chances of profiting from carelessness. Let’s know some solutions

Wake up at 4 to 5 am and walk barefoot on the green grass. Walking on grass for at least half an hour every day will benefit the eyes. The eyesight will begin to increase and the number of glasses will begin to decrease.

– Do Anulom Vilom Pranayama after a walk in the park in the morning. Doing just 10 to 15 minutes daily will provide relief from other eye related problems.

Wash your eyes with rose water or rose water as soon as you wake up in the morning. After that clean it. By doing this regularly, the eyesight will improve within a few days.

Massage mustard oil or ghee on the soles of your feet at night and go to sleep. Doing this regularly will benefit the eyes. By pressing the acupressure points during the massage, the eyesight becomes brighter.

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