know how you can increase flexibility with yoga poses


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Yoga is such an integral part of our daily routine, due to which we remain fit throughout the day. There are many health benefits of yoga to get rid of laziness. With aging, the body often starts having difficulty in turning, running and getting up. In such a condition, it is our responsibility to keep the body disease free. For this, definitely include Yoga in your routine, so that the flexibility in your body remains intact. Let us know which are those yogas, which make you fit, fine and flexible.easy yoga poses for flexibility) Will be effective in maintaining.

Problems like back pain, back pain, cramps in the legs work to disrupt our daily routine tasks. Let’s know from Yoga Guru Acharya Saumya how to keep your body flexible with easy Yogasanas.

Yoga proves curative in arthritis. Especially in the early stages, when there are minimal changes in the joints and its structure. Image: shutterstock

1. Nataraja Asana i.e. King Dancer Pose (Kind dancer pose)

To do this, first of all stand straight on a mat.

Now straighten both the arms. After this, now bend the right knee and hold the leg from behind with the right hand.
Catch up

After that, keep the left hand and arm straight in front. Now you look straight.

Keeping the fingers of the hands together, raise them forward. Focus your attention on your hand.

its advantages

Doing this asana regularly increases flexibility in the body.

This reduces your weight. This yoga works to provide strength to the spine.

This pose also proves helpful in increasing our memory.

By doing this daily, you have control over your senses.

2. Dhanurasana i.e. Bow pose

To do this, lie down on the mat. Stick both hands to your legs.

After this, now bend the knees of both the legs and bring them upwards.

After this, move both the hands backwards and hold the ankles of both the feet with it.

Repeat these steps three to four times. To strengthen the body, stay in this posture for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

its advantages

By doing this yoga, there is benefit in digestion and the digestive system becomes strong.

Dhanurasana strengthens the muscles by stretching them.

There is relief from pain in the legs.

Works to provide freshness to the brain.

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Vitamin D obtained from the sun’s rays strengthens the bones. Apart from this, problems related to bones also go away automatically. images shutterstock

3. Virabhadrasana (Standing pose)

To do this, spread a mat and stand straight on it.

After that push one leg forward and stand firmly.

Now move the other leg backwards.

After this, bring both the hands to the center of the torso and move both the arms upwards with full stretch.

Make the posture of Namaskar with both hands in this easy.

After doing this for 30 seconds to one minute, repeat it two to three times.

its advantages

This yoga is beneficial in heart related problems.

It provides relief in back and neck pain.

Apart from this, flexibility in the body increases and stamina builds.

4. Butterfly pose

sit up straight to do this

Now fold both the legs and join the feet together. After this, hold the feet with both the hands.

Move both your legs which are bent.

its advantages

This creates pressure on the joints and gives relief from pain.

Doing this daily also gives relief from urine related problems.

Apart from this, it also proves beneficial for easy pregnant women.

read this also- Worried about increasing weight and want to lose weight, then start with these 5 exercises


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