Know how you can get instant glow for your valentines day date. To get instant glow for valentines date, try these home remedies.


You want to look the most special on Valentine’s Day. Looking beautiful and attractive takes one’s confidence to the next level. You also need a special glow on special events. Of course, healthy lifestyle and healthy diet play an important role in this. But there are some ingredients present in our kitchen too, which can help in giving instant glow to your skin. Let’s know about such (Home remedies for instant glow) which bring instant glow on the skin.

Try these 6 DIY hacks for an instant glow on your skin

1 Tapping Rose Water

Cool with the help of cotton wool pads Rose water Tone the skin with Take rose water in a bowl, soak cotton swabs in it and keep it in the fridge. Use it to clean the skin. Then apply on the skin. Use it on the cheeks, outward and upward, massaging gently. On the forehead, start in the middle and work your way out. Massage in circular motion on the chin.

Rose water moisturizes the skin naturally. Image: shutterstock

2 egg and milk powder

Pick-me-up face mask can leave your skin clear and glowing. Mix honey in the white part of the egg and apply it on the face. Wash off with water after 20 minutes. For dry skin, make a paste by mixing half a teaspoon of honey, one teaspoon of rose water and one teaspoon of dry milk powder and apply on the face. Wash off with water after 20 minutes.

Walnut and Honey Scrub

facial scrub Use It is better for the skin. Removes dead skin cells and makes skin glowing. Make a facial scrub with walnut powder and one teaspoon each of honey and curd. Apply the mixture on the face and leave it for a few minutes. Then, rub gently and wash off with water.

4 curry leaves

Dried or powdered curry leaves (curry leaves) can be added to face packs, this adds a glow to the skin. Mix it in two spoons of oats or wheat bran (chokar), two spoons of rose water and one spoon of curd. Make a thick paste and apply it on the face avoiding the lips and eyes. Wash it after 20 to 30 minutes.

5 Mix Fruit Face Pack

Fruit pack makes the skin shiny. Add grated apple to ripe papaya pulp and mashed banana. Add curd or lemon juice to the mixture. Apply it on the face and leave it for half an hour. Wash off with plain water. This not only makes the skin shiny, but also removes tan and keeps the skin soft.

face pack for glowing skin
Coconut milk face pack will bring a natural glow to your skin. Image shutterstock.

6 Oats Face Mask

You can also make face masks at home. Mix one spoon each of ground almonds, curd, honey and rose water in two spoons of oats. Make a paste by mixing all the ingredients and apply on the face avoiding the lips and the area around the eyes. Wash it off after 30 minutes.

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Try this anti tanning face mask

Try a quick cleansing and tan removal mask, mix cucumber and papaya pulp with one teaspoon yogurt, one teaspoon honey, 3 teaspoons oatmeal and one teaspoon lemon juice. For very dry skin, mix honey with egg yolk and some milk. Leave it for half an hour and wash off with water. It makes the skin very soft and glowing.

After removing the mask, apply a cold compress on the face with cold rose water and cotton swabs, so that the skin glows and the skin glows. Wipe the face with it and then pat it fast. For dull and tired eyes, dip a cotton ball in rose water and use it as an eye pad on closed eyelids. Lie down and rest for 10 minutes. It helps to remove fatigue and increase eyesight. The fragrance of rose has a calming effect on the mind.

Read this also – Your skin also likes the goodness of chocolate, try these 4 chocolate face masks in Valentine’s Week


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