These 6 fruits can control blood sugar level.- Know these 6 fruits which can control blood sugar level.


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The risk of developing diabetes increases when lifestyle and food habits are affected. Blood sugar level increases when the production of insulin is affected. If diabetes persists for a long time, it starts affecting our organs. Experts say that in order to control the blood sugar level, we should pay attention to our diet. We should include such fruits in our diet, which can help in controlling the blood sugar level (6 fruits for diabetes patient).

what do the figures say

Diabetes has spread like an epidemic in both developed and developing countries. Due to this, more than 36 crore people around the world have been affected so far. This number may increase further in the coming years due to sedentary lifestyle obesity, urbanization. If diabetes persists for a long time, it not only affects the heart, kidney, intestine, but also mental health. According to the Journal of Endocrinology, the damage caused by diabetes can be avoided mainly by controlling the metabolic rate and proper management of lifestyle. If some special fruits are included in your daily diet, then the blood sugar level can be controlled. Only fruits with low glycemic index should be selected.

Here Are 6 Fruits That Can Help Control Blood Sugar Levels

1 Antioxidant Dragon Fruit

According to pharmacognosy research, more antioxidants are present in red vegetables and fruits. Red dragon fruit contains a variety of antioxidants such as hydroxycinnamates and flavonoids. They protect cells from damage. About 8-9 grams of sugar is available in one serving of dragon fruit. This is less than many other common fruits. Its GI score is between 48-52, which is suitable for diabetes management diet.

Dragon fruit has anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore it controls the blood sugar level. Image: Adobe Stock

Being low in calories and rich in nutrients, it is also a great fruit for diabetic patients. According to a research article in the Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, dragon fruit is also rich in minerals like iron, magnesium, calcium, and fiber. It is of anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore it controls the blood sugar level.

2 Low Calorie Papaya

According to a research article published in The New England Journal of Medicine, papaya is eaten a lot in summer. This fruit is great for a diabetic diet. Actually, papaya is rich in antioxidants and fiber, which prevent cell damage in the body. It is rich in minerals like vitamin B, folate, potassium, magnesium. It is a low calorie fruit. Diabetes patients can eat any part of this fruit from the pulp to the seeds.

3 Jamun (Indian Blackberry) does not let the sugar level rise suddenly.

According to Nutrient Journal, Jamun is also known as Indian Blackberry or Black Plum. It is considered to be one of the best fruits for diabetics. Jamun contains 82% water and 14.5% carbohydrates. It is also low in sucrose sugar. Compounds like jambocin and jamboline present in the fruit slow down the process of converting starch to sugar. This helps in avoiding sudden spikes in the blood sugar level in the body. Consuming jamun can also improve insulin secretion.

Kiwi with low glycemic index

According to a research article published in The New England Journal of Medicine, kiwi is a high-fiber fruit. It helps in controlling the blood sugar level. The Glycemic Index of Kiwi is low. Its GI is 49. This means that kiwi does not convert to glucose as quickly. It takes time to get absorbed in the blood flow.

Kiwi does not convert to glucose rapidly. It takes time to get absorbed in the blood flow. Image: Shutter Stock

Eating fruits in breakfast reduces the blood sugar level. The reason for this is that kiwi has a high fiber content, which has water retention capacity. When it is consumed, the fruit absorbs water. The gel subsequently thickens, which subsequently slows down the process of sugar transformation.

Apple is rich in fiber

According to a research article published in the Journal of Endocrinology, apple is the most commonly consumed fruit. It has also been said that consuming an apple a day keeps doctors away. Apples contain vitamin C, soluble fiber and various other nutrients. In addition, the fruit has antioxidant properties, which is beneficial for diabetic patients. However, apples contain carbs that can increase blood sugar levels. The fiber present in the fruit stabilizes the glucose level.

Orange is the best source of Vitamin C.

According to Nutrient Journal, oranges are considered a part of the citrus fruit family. It is considered one of the superfoods for diabetics. This fruit is rich in vitamin C, fiber, folate and potassium. Apart from these, oranges are rich in fiber content.

orange in diabetes
Orange is rich in vitamin C, fiber, folate and potassium. Image: shutterstock

Hence it takes time for the sugar to break down after consumption. Diabetes patient should eat orange in raw form

At the end

Always try to check the glycemic index and nutritional profile of fruits while selecting fruits to include in a diabetic patient diet. Also, keep the portion in mind.

Read this also :- Pomegranate is a treasure of nutrients, for these 6 benefits, you should also include it in the post breakfast meal.


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