know How to avoid sticky hair in summer season


Due to increase in humidity in the environment, problems related to skin and hair start. Where the problem of sunburn and tanning is most commonly seen on the skin. In the same hair problems, there is the problem of itching in the head, sticky hair and smelly scalp. The biggest problem in summers is that if you have washed your hair today, then by the next day your hair will start feeling lifeless and sticky. The main reason for this problem is the perspiration coming in the scalp. Due to the humidity of the environment, the scalp also starts sweating. Which starts to cause the hair to become sticky. Now it is not easy to avoid humidity and sweating, but this problem can definitely be controlled through these 5 tips.

Let us know some special tips to get rid of sticky scalp –

Along with the skin, the hair also needs protection. Image: shutterstock

1. Apply sunscreen to your hair

Along with skin, hair also needs protection. According to the International Journal of Cosmetic Science, sunlight can damage and weaken hair.

Due to exposure to sunlight, along with reducing the moisture content of the hair, the problem of dryness and dryness also starts. That’s why good sunscreen should be used for hair too. Which can give UV protection to the hair from the sun. For this, you can also use sunscreen hair spray or skin hair sunscreen lightly on the hair.

2. Make loose hairstyle a habit

Opening hair in summer can be a bit difficult. Everyday open hairstyles lead to accumulation of dust and dirt in the hair, which can make the hair lifeless and sticky. To avoid this, you can make loose and messy hairstyles. If you find your hair dry, apply aloe vera gel on the length and let it dry slightly.

Loose or messy hairstyles can block the hair from exposure to the sun. The same tight hairstyles are harmful to the scalp, as they pull on the hair. Especially when the hair becomes dry from the heat.

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3. Use a wide comb

A wide-toothed comb is best for tangled hair. Because the hair can get pulled when it gets tangled in the brush. Therefore, to untangle the hair, use only a wide tooth comb. Apart from this, you can also use bamboo comb.

Talking about the benefits of bamboo comb, celebrity cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Soma Sarkar says that using bamboo comb helps your hair to produce natural oil. Which keeps your scalp healthy. It helps to increase blood circulation in the scalp and get rid of hair problems.

healthy hair
Make hair thick and beautiful. Image shutterstock.

4. Don’t do daily hair wash

Frequent hair washing removes the natural oil from the scalp. Which in turn stimulates the hair by producing more oil. For this reason, you feel the need to wash your hair more. That’s why wash hair only 3 times a week. On other days you can use dry shampoo, aloe vera gel.

5. Use hair hydrating spray after shampoo

Hydrating the hair after shampooing and conditioning is also important. It is used on wet hair. So that hair and scalp can get enough moisture. To prepare it, mix water, aloe vera juice and avocado oil and fill it in a spray bottle. Spray it lightly through damp hair or whenever a little moisture is needed and let dry.

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