Know how to add ghee in your diet to get rid of constipation.- Use desi ghee in these 4 ways to get relief from constipation.


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The problem of constipation affects your entire routine. Due to this, bloating, abdominal pain, gas, etc. are experienced and because of this you cannot concentrate on any other task. There can be many reasons for the problem of constipation, such as drinking less amount of water, wrong eating habits, physical stability etc. However, the more stubborn this problem is, the easier it is to get rid of it. For this you do not need to spend on medicines. Nutrient-rich ghee (ghee for constipation) available at home can help you in this. For years, ghee has been used in Ayurveda to relieve constipation.

First let’s know the common causes of constipation

1. The problem of constipation is most commonly seen due to dehydration. Drinking less water makes the body dehydrated, due to which there is difficulty in passing stool.

2. Eating habit is also an important reason for constipation. Consuming fiber-free foods, excessive junk food as well as irregular eating habits promote constipation.

3. Stress, anxiety, overthinking can cause constipation. Because both your mind and body are interconnected.

4. Being physically immobile and lying down straight after eating can lead to constipation and other stomach problems.

5. Diabetes, hypothyroid and other metabolic disorders can cause constipation.

6. Pregnant women usually face constipation.

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Know what is the right way to use ghee.

Ghee is mother’s tried and tested recipe

In fact, due to some lifestyle mistakes, I used to suffer from constipation quite often. In such a situation, my mother often used to give a spoon of ghee and hot water and it proved to be very effective for me in case of constipation.

While improving my regular habits, I made ghee a part of my regular diet. Consuming cow’s ghee in a reasonable amount can be very beneficial for your health. At the same time, do not worry about weight gain at all, because consumption of cow’s ghee in a limited quantity does not cause weight gain.

Let us know, how ghee is effective in constipation, as well as learn some ways to include it in the diet.

Know how hot water and ghee became my companions

I used to feel severe cramping in my stomach every time I had constipation. Also, I used to get very upset due to bloating, gas and stomach pain etc. Then tell my mother, this recipe supported me. Drinking ghee mixed with lukewarm water gave me instant relief and after some time stool came out easily. However, many times I had to consume ghee and water twice at an interval of one to one and a half hours, but this recipe never disappointed me.

Now know how ghee is beneficial in constipation

Ghee lubricates the digestive tract and eases bowel movements. Also when we mix it with warm water, it softens the frozen hard stool and helps it to come out. Along with ghee, hot water also helps in the removal of waste material from the body. In such a situation, looking at its benefits, I did research on it and also talked to experts. Supporting this, he has told many other things about this. So let’s know about this.

ghee and hot water
How to use ghee and hot water for constipation. Image: shutterstock

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Experts also support ghee

Health Shots spoke to Dimple Jangra, Founder and Ayurvedic Health Coach, Prana Health Care Center on this topic. According to him, ghee is a kind of natural laxative, while its texture is oily, in which case ghee lubricates the body and cleanses the intestinal track completely. At the same time circulation improves and stool helps in coming out. In this case there is no problem of constipation.

Along with this, according to a study published, ghee is a good source of butyric acid. In such a situation, the intake of butyric acid increases the metabolism of the intestines, which helps in the coming out of the stool. Along with this, it is also considered very effective in the problem of stomach pain and bloating. Both these problems are symptoms of constipation.

Use of ghee in these 4 ways will be beneficial in constipation

1. Jaggery and ghee

Mixing jaggery and ghee together can be taken as a dessert. It is a proper remedy for constipation. The essential fats present in ghee and the iron present in jaggery work together very effectively. However, mix 1 to 1/2 teaspoon of desi ghee in 2 to 3 teaspoons of jaggery, do not consume more than this.

2. Consumption of milk and ghee

Drinking hot milk mixed with ghee helps in easy passage of stool. It softens the stool accumulated in the intestines and expels it.

The combination of coffee and ghee is beneficial. picture shutterstock

4. Ghee and coffee

The combination of ghee and caffeine can be beneficial in the problem of constipation. In such a situation, if you are troubled by constipation, or want to avoid constipation, then you can mix one spoon of ghee with your coffee.

3. Use ghee for cooking

It is more beneficial to use ghee instead of other oils in cooking your regular dishes. Along with this, it does not allow the condition of constipation to arise, but if you are already suffering from constipation, do not forget to add ghee to your regular lentils, vegetables etc.

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