know how chia seeds are good for your sexual health.- Chia seeds can also improve your sex life, know how.


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The seed that is discussed the most these days is Chia Seeds. Chia is a tiny seed that comes from the year-round herb Salvia hispanica L. Its use has increased tremendously in recent years due to its rich nutritional and medicinal values. It is useful for physical health, mental health as well as sexual health (Chia seeds for sexual health).

Where did chia seeds first grow?

Research articles by Russian researchers Masa Kanej Hernik, Darija Kor, and Zelko Kanej, etc., on the discovery and use of chia seeds were published in the journal Molecule. According to this, Chia was cultivated by the cultures of Mesopotamia. After this it disappeared for centuries until the middle of the 20th century. It was rediscovered.

Chia Seeds Nutrients

According to Molecule Journal, chia seeds also contain omega 3 fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals. Apart from these, the seeds are an excellent source of polyphenols and antioxidants. Caffeic acid, rosmarinic acid, myricetin, quercetin compounds are also present in it. Caffeic acid is an anti-oxidant, which is very beneficial for health. Chia oil is one of the most valuable oils on the market today. Researchers agree that chia seeds are super nutritious. The fatty acids present in it increase the sexual desire.

How to increase sexual desire

According to The Journal of Sexual Medicine, chia seeds improve brain health if taken in the right amount. This increases the sexual desire of men. The seeds contain essential fatty acids, such as omega-3, that the body cannot produce. These help to boost testosterone naturally (Chia seeds for sexual health). Testosterone is associated with feelings of power, energy, and sex drive.

Chia seeds increase the sexual desire of men. Image: Shutter Stock

Due to this, there will be no fatigue even after working for long hours. And you’ll be able to work longer.

Reproductive Health of Females

Research articles published on chia seeds in the Journal of Food Science and Technology also describe it as beneficial for the reproductive health of women. According to researchers Rahman Ullah and M. Nadeem, the seeds contain high levels of fatty oils, fiber, protein, and vitamins. All these nutrients help in the development of the brain of babies.

Chia Seeds for Breast Milk

It can also help in increasing the breast milk production rate naturally. That’s why chia seeds should be used regularly. Just like salt and pepper are used as daily seasonings. Similarly, a pinch of chia seeds should also be added to the food. Due to this the body remains energetic throughout the day.

Helpful in increasing fertility

According to the Journal of Sexual Medicine, chia seeds contain antioxidants, fiber, and the minerals iron, magnesium, and zinc. These are beneficial for pregnancy. These help in producing healthy eggs and red blood cells in the body.

Apart from fiber, chia seeds also contain iron, magnesium and zinc minerals. Image: Shutter Stock

Also regulates hormones. Increases blood flow to reproductive organs

Gluten Free Protein

According to the Journal of Food Science and Technology, chia seeds are a great source of dietary fiber. Therefore it is also beneficial for the digestive system. Due to the presence of unsaturated fatty acids, gluten free proteins and phenolic compounds, it can also control diabetes, Due to anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, therapeutic effects of chia seeds have also been observed in controlling diabetes, dyslipidemia, high blood pressure. It is also scientifically established as a blood clotting, antidepressant, anti-anxiety, analgesic, vision and immunity booster.

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