Know how caffeine affect your oral health.- Know how caffeine affects your teeth and gums.


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About 64% people in India consume tea-coffee regularly. A cup of tea or coffee can be the best way to start the day for any Indian. But have you ever thought that a cup of tea that boosts energy and mind can also harm the health of your teeth? Yes, many researches claim that excessive consumption of tea or coffee and negligence towards oral hygiene can cause toothache and damage. Today, on the occasion of World Toothache Day, let us understand the connection between these two.

We and most of the people around us are the ones who start our day with caffeine. Apart from tea-coffee, caffeine is also taken through soda, chocolate and energy drinks. Sugar is used in excess along with caffeine in these things. This is the reason that nowadays most of the children have to face toothache from childhood.

World Toothache Day

World Toothache Day is celebrated every year on 9 February to make people aware about dental health.

Along with body hygiene, it is also very important to take care of oral health. Avoiding dental hygiene increases the risk of dental problems. Due to this we may have to face toothache, worm infestation, mouth ulcers, bad breath and many other problems.

According to the advice of the World Health Organization, it is necessary to keep children away from the consumption of sugar till the age of 2 years. Otherwise, they may be at risk of having dental problems. But how can the consumption of tea and coffee affect the teeth? Let us know about this in detail.

Know how tea and coffee harm your teeth

According to a study by Fairfield Dental Art, tea and coffee contain high amounts of caffeine. Caffeine is a natural compound that affects the nervous system and helps keep the brain active. For this reason, after consuming tea and coffee, one starts feeling energetic and active.

But according to experts, excessive caffeine can also cause lack of sleep and dehydration. Its excessive consumption also starts harming our dental health. Due to which you may have to face many problems related to teeth.

Know here the side effects of excessive consumption of tea and coffee

1. Enamel wears down

A compound called tannins is found in caffeine. It disturbs the enamel of the teeth and causes the growth of bacteria and accumulation of plaque in the teeth. For this reason, problems like cavity and periodontal start to develop.

2. Bad breath

Excessive consumption of caffeine damages the enamel of the teeth. Due to this, bacteria start growing in the mouth, which disturbs the oral hygiene and causes bad breath.

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Due to this, the problem of pain starts with the weakening of the teeth. Image: shutterstock

3. Increase in toothache

Your regular tea and coffee are one of the reasons for toothache. The main reason for this is excessive consumption of caffeine. Coffee is acidic and exposure to highly acidic substances can cause tooth enamel to soften and break down over time. Due to this, the problem of pain starts with the weakening of the teeth.

4. Worms in teeth

According to Fairfield Dental Art, weakened tooth enamel makes it easier for teeth to stain. As your enamel thins, the dentin and the layer beneath the tooth enamel are affected. Due to this, problems like getting worms in the teeth start.

5. Increases yellowing of teeth

Consuming excessive amounts of caffeine slowly wears away your teeth. Chromogen compounds are found in it, which causes the dark color of coffee. When you drink coffee, the tannins make it easier for the chromogen pigment to stick to the teeth. Due to which yellowness comes and gradually starts affecting all the teeth.

You have come to know that your habit of drinking tea or coffee is actually spoiling your teeth. But how to get rid of this problem, let us now tell you- (toothache care at home)

1. Include fiber in the diet

Consumption of fiber-rich foods can also reduce the problem of teeth. For this, you can consume fruits and vegetables such as lemon and strawberries. Fiber is naturally found in these, which help in keeping the teeth clean by removing bacteria.

Now you can make perfect coffee at home without any machine.
Avoid creamer and sugar to avoid dental problems. Image: shutterstock

2. Avoid Creamer and Sugar

To avoid the problem of teeth, avoid creamer and sugar, because their consumption causes bacteria to grow.

3. Straw and Rinse

If you drink iced coffee, drink it through a straw to reduce the risk of stains. Also, rinse or brush your teeth 30 minutes after drinking coffee.

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