It is necessary to sleep for 8 hours daily, it has a profound effect on the brain, there is a connection with mumbling in sleep, know the advantages and disadvantages from Dr.


Sleep: As the lifestyle is changing, the sleep pattern is also changing. Due to gadgets, office work till late night, late night life, people are working even after sleeping less hours. Many times people feel that they are wasting their time by sleeping more hours, some important work can be done during this time, but according to health experts, getting enough sleep is as important as eating food and drinking water. Sleeping less than 8 hours a day, waking up repeatedly in the night, staying awake till late at night and then sleeping can harm both the body and the brain.

Dr. MS Kanwar, Senior Consultant, Department of Pulmonology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, Delhi, says that 8 hours of sleep is necessary for everyone, be it adults or the elderly. Yes, the pattern of sleep can change because deep sleep is less in the elderly than in the youth. On the other hand, small children take more than 8 hours of sleep daily because every part of their body is developing and they need more sleep. Sleep patterns can be understood in this way.

Dr. Kanwar says that there are 3 stages of sleep. N1, N2 and N3 stage. Among these, N1 stage sleep is the earliest and lightest. In this the person gets up at the slightest sound. The second stage is of N2. In this the person is in deep sleep and the thoughts go on becoming zero. The stage of N-3 is the deepest and the best sleep, in which many times the person also starts babbling. Dreams come in this stage and sometimes they are not even remembered. Although this third stage of sleep is of less time than the first two stages, but it gives maximum rest to the brain and body.

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Dr. Kanwar says that if you murmur in sleep, then it is a sign that at that time you are in the best third stage of sleep. This is the last and third stage of sleep. On reaching this stage of deep sleep, the person’s connection with the outside world or environment is lost. During this, energy is getting accumulated in the body. Bad and long term events are being erased from memory. Usually this is seen in adequate sleep of 8 hours.

, Dr. says that deep sleep i.e. three stage sleep is very important for the body. In common language, whatever wear and tear occurs inside the body during working or running throughout the day, those muscles or cells are repaired in the body while sleeping.

, After 8 hours of deep sleep, the body is ready to fight diseases and immunity is strong. When a person wakes up after this sleep, he feels completely refreshed and full of energy.

, Whatever things or thoughts are filled in the mind throughout the day, after reaching the rest of the body and mind in sleep, most of these garbage gets deleted by itself and the mind becomes calm. After getting enough sleep, the ability to think and understand and memory also increases. Mental problems like stress etc. also reduce. It is said that the growth hormone of the body also increases at a faster rate during sleep.

, Breathing, blood pressure, heartbeat, body temperature comes to normal level during sleep. The organs which remain active throughout the day are calm at this time, while the internal process that gives power to the brain and body gets faster.

Dr. Kanwar says that whether adults or elderly, it is necessary for everyone to get enough sleep of 8 hours daily. Some people even after sleeping for 7 hours say that they wake up completely fresh in the morning and they do not have any lethargy, fatigue or trouble throughout the day. This happens because they have had enough sleep of their n-three stage in these 7 hours only. Although sleeping less than 7 hours is not immediate, but in the long term it can have a bad effect on the body and brain.

Some people complain that they sleep for 8 hours daily but still feel tired and yawn throughout the day. Dr. Kanwar says that it is possible to happen. This does not mean that you need to sleep for 10 hours instead of 8, but it means that there are more obstacles in your 8 hours of sleep. It is possible that you wake up repeatedly at night to drink water, go to the toilet or in the wake of a small child and it takes some time to go back to sleep. In such a situation, even 8 hours of sleep can be incomplete. In such a situation, try to reduce these bad habits and sleep during the day when you feel sleepy.


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