Ignoring fatty liver can be dangerous, get rid of this disease by adopting 8 tips given by the doctor



Fatty liver problem occurs due to excessive consumption of alcohol, bad lifestyle.
Avoid consumption of sugary drinks and processed food rich in fructose. They increase fat in the liver.

Tips to Reverse Fatty Liver: Nowadays most of the people are suffering from liver problems. The problem of liver disease is also increasing due to poor lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits. If there is any kind of problem in the liver, it is necessary to treat it on time, otherwise it can prove to be dangerous. There are many liver related diseases, including fatty liver. When excess fat accumulates in the liver, it is called fatty liver. Excessive consumption of alcohol, hepatitis C, diseases caused by poor lifestyle, obesity etc. increase the chances of fatty liver. People who consume alcohol excessively or are obese are most likely to have fatty liver.

Recently on my twitter account Hepatologist Dr. Abby Phillips shares some important tips on how to reduce or avoid fatty liver. If you have fatty liver problem, then start adopting these tips of Dr. Abby from today itself. By including these measures in the lifestyle, you can avoid fatty liver or other liver related problems to a great extent.

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do exercise everyday
According to Dr. Abbie, three types of exercises must be done in case of fatty liver disease. Aerobic exercise, resistance training, high-intensity interval training. You must include any of these exercises in your routine.

diet be healthy
Eat low calorie foods. It is most effective in fatty liver. Decrease 500 to 750 calories per day in your food and consume 1000 to 1500 calories. Apart from this, you can also consume Mediterranean diet without alcohol.

get enough sleep
Sometimes habits like poor sleep, insufficient sleep i.e. less than 6 hours of sleep, more than one hour of sleep during day time are also related to the deterioration of fatty liver. In such a situation, by including the habit of getting enough sleep in your daily routine, you can keep the liver healthy.

avoid alcohol consumption
The most common cause of fatty liver is probably alcohol consumption. If you want to avoid fatty liver, then the safest level of alcohol is zero. It is better that you stop consuming alcohol and instead switch to low-calorie beverages like non-alcoholic alcohol.

Avoid processed foods
Avoid consumption of sugary drinks and processed food rich in fructose. Both these things rapidly increase the amount of fat in the liver. These can cause fatty liver in adults as well as children.

fatty liver treatment
Fatty liver disease is a misnomer. It is not really a disease, rather this problem occurs due to some other reason. Treatment should be aimed at controlling the causes of fatty liver disease such as alcohol consumption, diabetes, obesity, hypothyroidism, sleep disorders, sedentary life etc.

coffee is beneficial
Coffee consumption can also be effective in reducing fatty liver disease. However, black coffee should be without sugar and milk. You can have at least 3 cups a day. Consume it before late evening and never at night. This dose will not affect your blood pressure, but may lower it.

What doesn’t work in fatty liver?
Ursodeoxycholic acid, green tea, omega-3 supplements, detox products, yoga (as it is not aerobic), fruitarian diets, crash diets, turmeric/cinnamon supplements, honey or coconut sugar, herbal formulations, multiherbal products, any product that that says “liver detox” and any product or advertisement that says “reverse fatty liver.” Avoid consuming them, because they are not effective.

Tags: Health, Lifestyle


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