How to sleep better at night quickly and naturally Putting bar of soap under your sheets before bedtime



Some people have restless legs syndrome (RLS). has trouble sleeping
If it is lavender soap i.e. whose fragrance is like lavender flower, then it is more effective in bringing sleep.

Tips to Better Sleep: Good sleep has become a dream nowadays in this run-of-the-mill life. Most of the people do not sleep well at night. Work pressure, lifestyle changes, environmental factors and stress have given us sleepless nights. Mobiles, TV and gadgets have taken the right stone. People get entangled in these things till late night due to which they cannot sleep. Then in the morning the pressure of work remains so much that one has to get up early. Lack of sleep affects the body in many ways. Lack of sleep is mainly responsible for lifestyle related diseases like BP, heart and diabetes. To get rid of all these situations, it is good to have a peaceful sleep at night.

If you are also struggling to sleep at night, then the tips mentioned here are definitely useful for you. Actually, a small experiment has to be done at night. With this experiment, a peaceful sleep at night is guaranteed.

due to lack of sleep
The Tips and Trick website has quoted a doctor as saying that although there are many reasons for not sleeping, some people suffer from restless legs syndrome (RLS). In this disease, one always feels like moving the lower part of the leg. This happens a lot in the evening and at night. When people are in a state of rest, then this complaint remains more. In this situation it becomes difficult to sleep at night. It is believed that this disease occurs due to some disturbances in the nerve cells. Although the real reason for this is not known. In some people it runs in the family. This can also happen in case of kidney failure and diabetes.

soap will make you sleep

Tips and Trick has written quoting Dr. OZ that no matter what reason sleep comes, if you keep scented soap near the pillow under the bed, you can fall asleep quickly. Dr Oz says to keep soap under your pillow while sleeping at night. If it is lavender soap i.e. whose fragrance is like lavender flower, then it is more effective in bringing sleep. If you have legs syndrome, then keep lavender soap under the bedsheet near the feet, it will help you to fall asleep very quickly and you will not even know when it is morning. Though scientifically no research has been done on lavender soap to induce sleep, but many people on the internet have told this recipe as correct and said that it has brought new freshness in their life. One woman reported that she put lavender soap under her pillow without telling her husband, and they both slept so well that she couldn’t tell.

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Tags: Health, Health tips, Lifestyle


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