Protein deficiency shakes the body’s parts, there are 4 fatal diseases, if you know then you will be benefited



Due to lack of protein, the immune system becomes very weak, due to which many types of infections start appearing in the body.
We need 60 grams of protein daily. If we consume less than this, we can get many types of diseases.

Protein Deficiency increase risk of weak immunity: Protein is the main basis of life. But unfortunately most of the people in our country lack protein. Protein is present in every cell of the body. Almost all the parts of the body are made of proteins. Protein repairs the wear and tear of cells in the body. Many essential enzymes and hormones are made in the body due to protein. To run life properly, 10 thousand types of proteins are present in the body. Being so important, protein deficiency can take a toll on the body. Due to its deficiency, every part of the body can move. Protein deficiency causes diseases like Kwashiorkar, Marasmus, Edema. Along with this, due to lack of protein, the immune system becomes very weak and the risk of bone fracture increases.

Every day we should take at least 10 percent of protein in our food. But people in India consume very little protein. According to the Mayo Clinic, we need 60 grams of protein daily. If we consume less than this, we can get many types of diseases.

protein deficiency diseases

1. EdemaAccording to the news of Healthline, swelling or puffy appearance in the skin is a symptom of edema. Edema can also be caused by kwashiorkor. Scientists believe that this disease occurs when there is a deficiency of serum albumin in the human body. Most of the serum albumin is made up of protein and it is present in the blood. The main function of albumin is to prevent excess fluid in the tissue. When edema occurs, fluid starts accumulating in the tissue, which causes swelling.

2. KwashiorkarProtein deficiency can lead to Kwashiorkar’s fatal disease. It is also called malnutrition disease. In this, the weight becomes very less and even the bones become visible. Disability starts coming in the body. Pigmentation starts to disappear from the skin. This disease is more common in young children. This disease is common due to poverty.

3. Marasmus-According to the Cleveland Clinic, marasmus is a very fatal disease. In this people dry up and start looking like thorns. In this disease almost everything is deficient. Symptoms are similar to kwashiorkor in marasmus, but in marasmus all micronutrients are deficient, while in kwashiorkor only protein is deficient. In this disease the head becomes big and the bones become small. The face starts looking old. Hair and nails start falling. BMI becomes less than 16.

4. Weak ImmunityDue to lack of protein, the immune system becomes very weak, due to which many types of infections start appearing in the body. According to PubMed Central Journal, a study found that when there is protein deficiency in mice, the risk of influenza increases manifold.

5.Bone FractureDue to lack of protein, muscles also become weak and bones also become weak. That’s why there is always a fear of bone fracture.

Make up for protein with these foods
More protein is found in sea food, meat, egg, beans, pulses, dry fruits, seeds, soya products. Apart from this, dairy products like milk, cheese, buttermilk also contain sufficient amount of protein. At the same time, protein is available in plenty in whole grains and vegetables.

Symptoms of Protein Deficiency
Lack of protein has a bad effect on mental health. Due to this, problems like weakness, fatigue, mood swings, frequent illness start appearing. Apart from this, there starts swelling anywhere which does not heal quickly. Feel hungry again and again. If a wound comes out, it does not heal quickly.

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Tags: Health, Health tips, Lifestyle


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