How to relieve heartburn pain Gangaram Hospital Dr Shrihari Anikhindi explain acidity causes symptoms treatment know GERD prevention



Dr. Srihari Anikhindi told that when stomach acid starts coming back into the food pipe, it is called acid reflux or GERD.
Stopping alcohol and smoking can also be a cure for this problem.

Best Way to Cure Acidity: Acidity in the stomach means that the acid present in the stomach rises up in the food pipe. Acidity is usually seen in association with gas, but acidity is a completely different thing. Actually, hydrochloric acid is always present in our stomach. But due to many reasons the hydrochloric acid starts rising. Because of this, it seems that fire is burning from stomach to chest. Acidity makes many people restless and they need immediate medicine. However, we ourselves are responsible to a great extent for acidity and it can be easily relieved.

Consultant at Institute of Gastroenterology and Pancreatic Biliary Sciences at Sir Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi Dr. Srihari Anikhindi It is said that acidity is not a disease, rather it is a symptom of GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease). It is also called acid reflex.

what is acid reflex

Dr. Srihari Anikhindi told that when stomach acid starts coming back into the food pipe, it is called acid reflux or GERD. This acid starts rising in the opposite direction. Because of this burning sensation is felt from stomach to throat. Many people have acid reflux from time to time. But in some people this disease becomes GERD. There can be many reasons for this, but mostly the unhealthy reason of lifestyle is responsible.

symptoms of acidity
Dr. Srihari Anikhindi (Dr. Shrihari Anikhindi) According to the most prominent symptoms of GERD, heartburn comes at number one. This usually happens after eating food. When you go to sleep at night, this burning sensation can increase even more. Its second symptom is the return of food from the stomach. This is called regurgitation. Along with this, pain starts in the upper part of the stomach and chest. Sometimes there is difficulty even in eating. At the same time, sometimes a lump is also felt in the throat. If GERD is not treated for a long time, then the acid starts reaching the lungs as well and it can also cause cough. In severe cases, asthma can also occur.

What is the cause of GERD

According to Dr. Srihari Anikhindi, obesity is mainly responsible for GERD i.e. acidity, but apart from this, excess fat on the stomach, stress, depression, irregular eating habits, too much spicy food, eating oily things, late night eating, less sleep Taking, reducing physical activity, smoking etc. can also be the reason.

when to worry
Dr. Srihari Anikhindi Generally, the problem of acidity gets cured in a day or two, but if acidity is troubling for more than four weeks, then it is a matter of concern. In that situation, many diseases including infection in the intestine can be the reason. In this situation, acidity is cured with medicine and if it is not being cured even with medicine, then with the help of endoscopic it is found out that what is the real reason of acidity. In this, there can be a wound in the food pipe, swelling in the esophagus, and problems in the pancreas. In some cases it can also be cancer. That’s why Dr. Anikhindi says that if the problem of acidity is bothering you for more than four weeks, then contact the doctor immediately.

what is gerd treatment

Dr. Anikhindi says that since we now know what acidity or GERD is and what causes it. That’s why controlling these reasons is the best way to get rid of acidity. For this, first of all lifestyle has to be corrected. If there is a problem of acidity, then it is necessary to do regular exercise, walking. Healthy things have to be taken in the diet. Stopping alcohol and smoking can also be a cure for this problem. Consumption of more fried things, fast food, junk food, more spicy food, more spicy food should be stopped. Along with this, the right things should be included in the food. Such as seasonal green vegetables, whole grains, sufficient water and fresh fruits. Antacids can be taken to get quick relief from acidity. Some people take pen tablet or use aciloc or eno. But if you are troubled by the problem of acidity again and again, then it would be better to take medicine only on the advice of a doctor.

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