here are 3 yoga poses for deep sleep.


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Busy lifestyle and mental stress have become common for everyone nowadays. Because of this, most people have a habit of waking up late. This thing is even more normal in the youth. Late night parties and the habit of getting up late has become a cool trend. And it has a direct effect on health. Weakness, feeling tired or lack of focus and irritability throughout the day are the main symptoms of incomplete sleep. At the same time, some people also start having problems like lack of sleep or always being tired. Today, while solving these problems, we have come up with 3 such Yogasanas (Yoga for healthy sleep), which will give you better sleep as well as relief from mental stress.

First know how yoga is beneficial for sleep

Yoga not only affects our physical health but also our mental health. Practicing yoga regularly helps in staying energetic throughout the day. It can help improve health by relaxing our muscles and brain.

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine found in a research on elderly people that people who did yoga for a long time. Along with improving the quality of their sleep, the lifestyle also became healthy.

These 3 Yogasanas are helpful in good and deep sleep

1. Setubandhasana (bridge pose)

Bridge pose Bridge pose is a great easy way to end the problem of fatigue and lethargy. It has been considered most beneficial for hip, waist and knee problems. It helps in getting better sleep by relaxing the muscles.

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This pose allows you to breathe well. Image shutterstock.

Do Setubandhasana like this

  • First of all, lie down on the back, now bend the knees and straighten the legs and place them under the knees at hip-width.
  • Breathe in and lift the waist up. Pose so that your lower back is forming a flat, triangle-shape.
  • During this your block can be on any side. Take 10-15 breaths here or stay for 1 minute.
  • Inhale and lift the hips so that you can easily slide the block to the side.
  • Slowly lower yourself down and keep the lower back flat on the mat.

2. Shavasan

This is the most effective yoga asana for good and better sleep. It also helps to calm your mind by relaxing your entire body. Along with physical health, mental health will also benefit from this yoga.

do funeral like this

  • Lie down on your back while relaxing your legs. In this pose, keep distance in the hip and relax the arms by keeping them in their place.
  • If you want, put a support or pillow under your knees and put some support under your head.
  • Keep your body weight on the mat and keep your focus on your breath. Now start taking long and slow breaths.
  • Do this yoga practice for at least 4 minutes. You can also do this yoga exercise on the bed.

3. Balasana (child pose)

This yoga practice makes the spine flexible with stretching. For more comfort, keep a pillow under the chest or thighs. If you have any problem related to stomach and back, then do this yoga only on the advice of experts.

child pose
Child’s pose is effective. Image shutterstock.

Do Balasana like this

  • First of all you have to lie down on your stomach. Now make tabletop pose by lifting your hands and legs and front part.
  • From tabletop pose, drive hips back toward heels. Bring knees together or spread outward.
  • Relax your front and relax in your thighs. It will relax the whole body including the spine
  • Stay in this pose for 5 minutes. In the beginning, you can even do it for 2 to minutes.

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