Drink water or eat something on an empty stomach in the morning? If you are in confusion, then know the right way from the doctor soon, you will be benefited.



If there is a shortage of water in the body, then the reaction of many chemicals in the body will not be possible.
Drinking water in the morning keeps the fluid balance in the body.

Drinking Water first or Food First: Water is most important for life. Life cannot be imagined without water. Water is needed to carry out all the functions of the body. But the question arises that when we wake up from the bed in the morning what should we do first. Should we drink water or eat something? Usually people go for a walk as soon as they wake up from the bed and eat something after brushing their teeth. Some people also drink water but it is not included in the regular routine. To find answers to these questions, News 18 spoke to the Chief Dietician at Fortis Hospital, Faridabad. Dr. Kiran Dalal conversed with.

Dr. Kiran Dalal told that when you wake up after sleeping all night, your body needs water as soon as it is morning. Therefore, if you drink water as soon as you wake up in the morning, then the body will be saved from dehydration. Water completes all the chemical processes of the body, so water in the morning is very beneficial.

water cleanses the stomach

Dr. Kiran Dalal told that clearly drinking water in the morning benefits the whole body. Drinking water in the morning can also clean the dirt of the intestine because water itself works as an overall cleanser. It also cleanses the entire bowel ie large intestine and colon. In a way, drinking water in the morning strengthens the digestive system. If someone has constipation then it is even more beneficial. Water clears the body’s waste.

Water removes toxins from the body
Dr. Kiran Dalal Told that it is advisable to drink water in the morning because it maintains the fluid balance of the body and removes harmful toxins from inside the body. In this way, water acts as a carrier in the body’s fluid balance and throwing out toxins. That’s why it works for cleaning the body. By drinking water in the morning, the body’s metabolism is maintained. Along with regulating the temperature of the body, it also regulates many chemicals. There is 70 percent water in the body. Therefore, if there is a shortage of water in the body, then the reaction of many chemicals in the body will not be possible.

Should drink water normal or hot
Dr. Kiran Dalal says that if you wake up in the morning and drink lukewarm water, it will be better, but it does not mean that if you drink normal water, it will cause some harm. He told that the temperature inside our body is always slightly higher than the outside temperature, so if we drink lukewarm water, it will not make any difference to the body temperature.

Does drinking water in the morning reduce weight
Dr Kiran Dalal It is said that drinking water has nothing to do with weight. Taking water in the morning to lose weight does not have much benefit, but if you keep drinking water throughout the day and do not allow the body to become dehydrated, then maintaining the weight can be beneficial. Yes, one should drink water after 45 minutes of having food. This improves digestion. Yes, water should not be drunk immediately after eating, it dissolves the enzymes needed for digestion.

Should we drink water after brushing or without brushing

Drink lukewarm water after brushing or before brushing? On this question, Dr. Kiran says that it does not matter whether you are drinking water after brushing or before brushing. Drinking water is beneficial in both the situations.

how much water to drink

Every person needs water in different amounts. Dr. Kiran Dalal says that an adult person needs 40 to 50 ml of water daily per kilogram of weight.

when should i drink water in the morning

Dr. Kiran Dalal said that you can drink water as soon as you wake up in the morning.

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Tags: Health, Health tips, Lifestyle


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