Here are 7 probiotics foods that can boost your gut health.


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Probiotics are good friendly bacteria for your gut. Probiotics are live microorganisms, or bacteria, that provide health benefits to the human body. Many fermented foods contain probiotics and fermented foods have been a part of our lives for centuries. It has been used in the past as a way to preserve foods, enhance flavor, and eliminate food toxins.

Food is very important in maintaining health. Be it any disease, all these problems are largely related to diet. If your diet is not right then first of all your digestion gets affected. If your digestion is not good, then you can come under the grip of many diseases. Due to poor digestion, your daily routine can also be affected. Probiotics are very important in keeping your digestive system healthy. Therefore, it is important that you include a balanced amount of probiotics in your daily diet.

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Benefits of Probiotics in your Diet

Helps prevent infections and allergies
Prevents inflammatory bowel disorders
helps to elevate mood
boost immune system
reduces inflammation
lowers blood pressure
Maintains balance of good gut bacteria

Kimchi can be included in making omelets or eaten with dumplings. Image: Adobe Stock

Here are 3 types of homegrown probiotic food

1 buttermilk or lassi

It is a fermented dairy drink traditionally made by churning butter from cream. Generally it is slightly sour in taste and must be taken after a rich meal.

Lassi is another traditional drink made from curd. It tastes both sweet and sour and is slightly thicker than buttermilk.

2 Beetroot Kanji

This fermented beverage is also known as beet kvass in some cultures. It is a good liver tonic and cleanser. Beetroot Kanji is made in most of the houses during the winter season. At the same time, when the weather starts changing, it is also drunk. So that immunity can be strengthened.

3 yogurt

It is the most preferred and popular probiotic of Indians. It is made by fermenting milk. Curd can be added to curries, gravies, beverages, or can be eaten plain.

Here Are Some Exotic Probiotic Foods

1 sauerkraut

This is actually a dish made by fermenting cabbage. This is a very popular masala made from shredded cabbage. It is used for topping salads, wraps, burgers.

2 kimchi

It is a popular Korean side dish usually made from fermented cabbage. It can also be made from other fermented vegetables such as radish. It can be added to make kimchi rice, kimchi omelette or eaten with dumplings.

3 miso

It is a spice used in Japanese cuisine. It is made by fermenting soybeans with salt and koji, a type of fungus. It is often used to make miso soup.

4 tempeh

It is made from fermented soybeans shaped into compact cakes. It is a high protein meat substitute consumed among vegetarians and vegans.

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