The court was hearing the appeals of Facebook and WhatsApp. In this the order of the single-judge was challenged. A single judge has dismissed the petition against the CCI’s order to investigate the new privacy policy of WhatsApp.
The Delhi High Court has extended till March 30 the deadline for filing response to the notices issued by CCI to Facebook and WhatsApp on June 4 and 8. The court had earlier given time to file reply to the notice and then extended the time.
Senior advocate Harish Salve, appearing for WhatsApp, argued that the Data Protection Bill was introduced in Parliament and the court had earlier given time till October 11, 2021 to file reply to the notice, but after that it could not be extended, Because the matter could not be heard.
Additional Solicitor General Aman Lekhi, appearing for CCI, argued that the Data Protection Bill is “irrelevant” to the controversy. This matter is not related to ‘Privacy’. It deals with abuse of position and investigation in some cases. Meanwhile, the counsel for Facebook India has filed an application seeking to represent itself as a party in the matter. However, the court asked him to file a fresh petition.
The matter is related to the appeal of Facebook and WhatsApp, in which the order of the single-judge was challenged. A single judge has dismissed the petition against the CCI’s order to investigate the new privacy policy of WhatsApp. The court has refused to stay the order of the single judge.
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