Excessive sweating in diabetes it signals for tighter blood sugar management know cause symptoms and prevention in hindi



Excessive sweating means that you have not controlled the sugar level properly.
Healthy eating and active lifestyle are essential for diabetes management.

Excessive Sweating and Diabetes: Diabetes has become a problem for the whole world. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, more than 422 million people in the world are suffering from diabetes. Along with this, about 15 lakh people die every year directly or indirectly due to diabetes. It is a matter of bigger concern that 17 percent of the total diabetes patients in the world are in India. Means 8 crore people in India are suffering from diabetes. According to statistics, by 2045, 13.5 crore people will be diabetic in India. This is the reason that India came to be known as the Diabetic Capital of the World. Sweating is not included in the symptoms of diabetes, but after diabetes, the problem of sweating is seen in many patients.

In diabetes, the body’s ability to maintain its natural temperature gets affected. Due to this, the person gets dizzy again and again and can also sweat at night. Although it is a matter of concern. This means that the control of diabetes has not been done properly.

Why do you sweat a lot

Verywellhealth website According to diabetes patients, excessive sweating occurs when blood sugar is not balanced. Although every person sweats. There will be very few people who do not sweat. In diabetic neuropathy, some people sweat in the feet or thighs. According to a research, about 84 percent of people suffering from diabetes sweat excessively. Especially below the neck. The main reason for this is that the amount of blood sugar in the blood has decreased. Actually, diabetes patients take medicine to reduce blood sugar. Due to taking the medicine, the absorption of sugar starts very fast. On the other hand, due to diabetes, they completely stop eating sweets. This is the reason that rapidly there is a shortage of sugar or glucose in the body. When there is a shortage of glucose, the body sweats more. However, when the sugar level increases slightly after eating and drinking, then the situation becomes correct. Apart from this, there are many reasons for sweating.

how to control diabetes

Since excessive sweating at night means that you have not controlled the sugar level properly. That’s why the sugar level has to be controlled at all costs. That’s why lifestyle and food habits have to be changed from this time itself. First of all the weight should be controlled. This can be easily done by changing the diet. Exercise is such an activity that can reduce the risk of not only diabetes but also heart disease, stroke and even cancer. Consume fiber rich vegetables as much as possible. Include greens, green leafy vegetables regularly in the diet. Consuming strawberries, berries, lettuce, cabbage, carrots, celery etc. can reduce the risk of diabetes. Overall, a healthy diet and an active lifestyle are essential for diabetes management.

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Tags: Blood Sugar, Diabetes, Health, Health tips, Lifestyle


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