Bubble bath can affect your vaginal health, know how. Learn how bubble bath can harm your vaginal health.


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These days many videos of bubble bath are coming on social media. At the same time people are also liking it a lot. Especially after watching the video of bubble bum, everyone would want to try it. It is very relaxing and soothing. After all, who doesn’t want a relaxing shower after a tiring day? It helps in reducing body pain and stress. However, many of you must have tried it too. But do you know that it can be more harmful for your skin than it is beneficial. Bubble bath is especially harmful for vaginal health.

Vagina is one of the sensitive parts of the body. In such a situation, women need to be more conscious about it. But be careful if you are taking trending bubble bath. Bubble bath can affect your vagina in many ways. Keeping these things in mind, today we have brought for you some important information about the harm caused to the vagina by bubble bath. So without delay, let us know what is bubble bath, as well as know how it harms the vagina.

First know what is bubble bath

Adding your favorite scented bath bombs, bubble bath liquid, and bath salts to lukewarm water in a bath tub is called a bubble bath. Bath bombs and bubble bath liquid used in bubble baths come in a variety of textures, colors, and scents. As soon as they are put in water, the color of the water changes and foam starts coming. Also the water becomes glittery and fragrant.

Know what is important to avoid it. Image: Instagram

Know what is bath bomb, bubble bath liquid and bath salt

According to Dr Niti Kautish, Senior OBS and Gynaecologist, Fortis Escorts, Faridabad, as relaxing a bubble bath is for the body, it can be equally harmful for the vagina. There are many other products available in the market like bubble bum, bubble bath liquid and bath salt whose composition is not suitable for your vagina at all.

Many harmful chemicals and dyes are used to make them. Also emulsifiers, fillers, waxes and resins are present in it. At the same time, there are many such bathing products, in which SLS (sodium Lauryl sulfate) is present. Actually all these products are not suitable for vaginal health at all.

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Learn here how bubble bath is harmful for vagina

According to the doctor, the skin of the vagina is very sensitive, due to which the chemicals present in the bubble bath imbalance its pH level, thus increasing the risk of vaginal infection. Bubble bombs contain more chemicals than bubble bath liquid and bath salts. Using a bubble bomb to take a bubble bath in Ace can be even more harmful.

But this does not mean that bath salts are safe. The colorful small pieces of salt are scented, so it is not at all appropriate for the health of the vagina. It imbalances the pH level of the vagina, due to which you can become a victim of yeast infection and vaginal itching again and again.

post sex hygiene
Here’s why bubble bath is bad for the vagina. Image: shutterstock

Vagina is a self-cleansing organ, so the use of other chemical-rich products on it can irritate it. Also, bubble bath affects the natural bacteria of the vagina, due to which there is a possibility of urinary tract infection.

Doctors tell that if you feel any kind of allergy and itching in your private parts, then use SLS free products. Because products with SLS (sodium Lauryl sulphate) increase your problem more. If the infection is not getting cured for a long time, then it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately. Because in summer the problem of vagina becomes very disturbing and later turns into a serious problem.

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