Brain stroke: Big revelations in the rash on brain stroke, these are the symptoms of this disease death rate will news rise due to brain stroke claim in news research know full detail in punjabi Punjabi news


Stroke cases in the world: There is a danger of increasing the number of deaths due to brain stroke in the coming years. A new research has been done in this regard, in which it is said that by the year 2050, one crore people are likely to die due to stroke every year. This research The Lancet Neurology (Neurology) Published in In this research, estimates are made on the basis of three decades. Research has said that if timely steps are not taken to prevent stroke cases, 1 crore people may lose their lives every year due to this disease in the coming decades.

Research states that deaths due to stroke are expected to increase from 6.6 million in 2020 to nearly 10 million (by 2050). Deaths from stroke can also increase the rate of disability.

Scientists have expressed concern and said that if awareness is not spread about the danger of stroke and this disease, it may become a big threat in the future. Because of this World Health Organization (WHO) The target set for stroke prevention will not be achieved. Scientists have said that this is essential to prevent deaths due to stroke. For this, people need to know about the symptoms, causes and prevention of this disease.

Why does stroke happen?

A stroke occurs when blood flow to any part of the brain stops. Previously, this disease affected people over 50 years of age, but now even younger people are at risk. People who suffer from high blood pressure have a higher risk of stroke. People suffering from obesity and diabetes are also at risk of this disease. In such a situation, such people need to take special precautions.

What are the symptoms of brain stroke?

Numbness of the face and body

Sudden difficulty speaking

blurred vision

Severe headache


Difficulty walking
