Blood Sugar Remedy: The blood sugar level will decrease rapidly if you chew this sweet leaf with a stale mouth, diabetes will be under control.


Health News: Controlling the blood sugar level is very difficult but here we are going to tell you about a leaf which is sweet and not bitter and is considered to be the enemy of diabetes. If you chew this leaf daily in the morning, your blood sugar will decrease rapidly.

When the natural insulin secretion from the pancreas stops or the body is unable to digest insulin, the blood sugar level starts to rise and diabetes occurs. If your diabetes is not reducing even after taking medicine, then consume this leaf. Research also suggests that stevia, also known as sweet basil (sweet basil benefits), can help control diabetes.

Stevia has zero calories and is rich in anti-diabetic properties, it is also used as a substitute for sugar. Its specialty is that it is sweet on its own and also eliminates the craving for sweets. Stevia, which looks like basil leaves, produces natural insulin and keeps sugar levels under control. You can have it comfortably in the form of tea or any other sweet. If you want to activate insulin naturally, take it.

By consuming stevia powder every morning on an empty stomach, diabetes remains under control. Dry its leaves and make powder and sprinkle with water. Mix half gram of stevia in a glass of water or milk and consume it daily. It does not increase the amount of sugar in the blood. Also, it has 20 times more sweetness than sugar. Stevia is also useful in controlling BP, hypertension, facial problems, stomach problems, obesity.

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