Amritsar. Politics has started in Punjab over the viral video of notorious gangster Lawrence and Noah violence accused Monu Manesar. Akali Dal (Akali Dal) Bikram Majithia’s senior leader has raised questions on Punjab’s law and order and Punjab’s high-security Bathinda Jail. Along with this, the Punjab Police is accused that a senior doctor of Amritsar has paid a ransom of Rs 2 crore to Lawrence under the nose of the police.
Senior leader of Akali Dal Bikram Majithia (Bikram Majithia) has raised questions on law and order in Punjab by releasing a video on Monday. Bikram Majithia said – Punjab is a border state and the conditions here are not hidden from anyone. A video call has now surfaced after two of Lawrence’s interviews surfaced. Lawrence, who is in Punjab’s Bathinda High Security Jail, has made a video call with Monu Manesar.
Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann is protecting gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, who is lodged as a state guest in Bathinda High Security Jail. His repeated interviews are proof that the AAP government has given him protection, thanks to which he is in prison and outside, murder, extortion, pic.twitter.com/06PC3viihh
— Bikram Singh Majithia (@bsmajithia) September 18, 2023
Monu Manesar is accused of Haryana riots
Monu Monesar is the same person who is also accused in the recent riots in Haryana. Even before that Lawrence (Lawrence) Two videos of After a video surfaced, DGP Punjab referred to clothing and haircuts. But Lawrence gave the next interview in the same clothes. In fact, Lawrence has been hired as a guest. I and entire Punjab demand that action be taken now. No need to inquire now. The report of the inquiry conducted after the last two interviews has also not reached the public yet.
Manesar was caught by the Haryana Police
Majithia has alleged that Monu Manesar was caught by the Haryana Police two days ago. Now that this video has come out, even the Punjab Police has no contribution in it. This video has come to the hands of Haryana Police and it has been recovered from the mobile phone of Monu Manesar.
Lawrence demanded a ransom from the prison
Bikram Majithia alleged that Lawrence has been kept as a guest in the jail. Lawrence demanded ransom from a famous Amritsar ortho doctor while sitting in jail. Doctors may not admit this in front of everyone, but it is true. The doctor was also given protection only after the ransom call. But in the end the doctor had to pay a ransom of Rs 2 crore. This money had to be paid right under the nose of the police and the doctor saved his life.
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