6 ways pulses help to prevent blood sugar spikes reduce body fat know how to control Diabetes



Protein is most needed for diabetes patients. It accelerates insulin function.
If lentils are soaked in water or boiled, then the amount of starch in it increases.

Pulses Reduced Blood Sugar: Diabetes is becoming a dangerous disease for the whole world. Diabetes increases the risk of diseases related to kidney, liver, heart and eyes. That’s why the whole world is worried about it. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, more than 422 million people in the world are suffering from diabetes. Along with this, about 15 lakh people die every year directly or indirectly due to diabetes. But it is a matter of bigger concern that more than 8 crore people in India are suffering from diabetes. According to statistics, by 2045, 13.5 crore people will be diabetic in India. That’s why India came to be called the diabetic capital of the world.

We all know that diabetes is a lifestyle related disease. If we correct the lifestyle, then the disease of diabetes can be eradicated. Dal is one of these. Regular consumption of pulses can reduce the spike of blood sugar to a great extent. In HT news, nutritionist Khushboo Jain Tibrewal has told that pulses are a power house of nutrients but blood sugar can also be controlled by its consumption.

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Why pulses are important for diabetes patients

1. Dense Nutrients
ht In the news, nutritionists say that protein, fiber, complex carbohydrates, vitamin B, minerals and antioxidants are found in lentils, which are dense nutrients. These things are needed by every human being.

2. Dietary FiberDietary fiber does not allow sugar to rise after eating because it slows down its digestion.

3. Starch in soaked pulsesIf lentils are soaked in water or boiled, then the amount of starch in it increases, due to which the number of beneficial bacteria present in the intestine also increases. This makes insulin work properly.

4.ProteinWe all know that lentils are a powerhouse of protein. One cup of lentils contains 12 to 15 grams of protein. Protein is most needed for diabetes patients. It accelerates insulin function.

It has been proved in many studies that lentils are helpful in reducing fasting blood glucose and post-prandial blood glucose.

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Tags: Blood Sugar, Diabetes, Health, Health tips, Lifestyle


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