220 children died in Pakistan in 3 weeks, know the reason


220 children died in Pakistan in 3 weeks, know the reason
220 children died in Pakistan in 3 weeks, know the reason (Tv(hindi.com)

A news from Pakistan is very alarming. More than 200 children have died in Pakistan's Punjab province in the last three weeks. It is being said that these deaths are due to pneumonia because it is very cold in Pakistan. This figure of death of more than 200 children has not come from any media or opposition, rather the caretaker government of Pakistan has accepted the fact that so many children have indeed lost their lives in the last 20 days.

The caretaker government of Pakistan's Punjab province has said that the cause of death of most children is malnutrition. Also, many of the children who died had not even received the pneumonia vaccine. The immunity of these children is also said to be very weak. The Punjab government has already said that morning assembly should not be held in schools till the 31st of this month. The reason for this is attributed to the cold.

47 deaths alarming in the capital

Since the beginning of January 1 this year, around 10 thousand 500 cases of pneumonia have been registered in the Punjab province of Pakistan. 220 children have died of pneumonia this month, of which 47 deaths have occurred in Lahore. Lahore is the capital of Punjab province of Pakistan.

Last year there were 990 deaths

In such a situation, the problems of the caretaker government may increase due to the loss of children's lives in the capital. The government of Pakistan has advised people to wear masks and wash their hands regularly and to dress their children warmly due to the cold. Last year, 990 children died due to pneumonia in the state of Punjab. Now the government of Pakistan is trying to deal with such concerns by providing health facilities to the people as soon as possible.
