one serving of Kiwi daily can give you these amazing benefits.- Know how Kiwi is beneficial for weight loss and digestive health.


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Kiwi that has reached our and your kitchen is actually a type of berry. Which is basically considered to be of Eastern China. While this fruit is most popular in New Zealand. It is cultivated on a large scale there. These days kiwi has become the favorite fruit of fitness freaks. Rich in fiber and antioxidants, this fruit is not only great for your digestive system, but it also plays an important role in weight loss. Let us know the health benefits of Kiwi and the right way to use it.

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Understand how kiwi works for weight loss

The fiber present in it keeps digestion balanced.

Rich in vitamins and minerals, kiwi can be a healthy option for weight loss. Sufficient amount of water is present in it. Along with this, it is an excellent source of fiber, which keeps the digestive system balanced. When you include it in your regular diet, it helps in proper digestion of food. Also, does not allow extra fat to accumulate in the body. The fiber and other nutrients present in kiwi make you feel full for a long time. Due to which you are saved from frequent snacking. A reduction in calorie intake directly means a reduction in both fat and weight.

Vitamin C is very high in Kiwi. It also contains other nutrients, especially dietary fiber, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, vitamin A, vitamin E and folate. Image: shutterstock

2 It Has A Low Glycemic Index

It metabolizes fat which is very important for weight loss. There are 61 calories in about 100 grams of Kiwi. Also, its glycemic index is also very low. Due to which the sugar present in it is slowly released in the body. This is the reason that consumption of Kiwi does not allow extra fat to accumulate and helps you in weight loss.

Antioxidants are helpful in breaking down proteins

Kiwi is rich in antioxidants, which completely break down the protein in the body and the protein gets digested completely. In such a situation, it can be very beneficial for the person suffering from the problem of irritable bowel syndrome. Consuming kiwi is effective in constipation and other digestive problems. A healthy digestive system makes the weight loss journey even more effective.

4. Vitamin C Boosts Gut Health

Kiwi is rich in Vitamin C. At the same time, Vitamin C keeps the blood pressure and cholesterol level balanced and helps in boosting the immune system, while taking care of the health of the intestines. Not only this, it controls the level of blood sugar in the body. All these factors are important for weight loss.

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kiwi for weight loss
Kiwi is helpful in weight loss. Image shutterstock.

Consuming one Kiwi everyday gives you many more benefits

1. Increases skin glow

Kiwi is an excellent source of vitamin C, according to data published by the National Library of Medicine on the nutritional value of kiwi. In such a situation, it provides natural glow to lifeless and withered skin. Also, its antioxidant properties prevent skin cells from getting dead, as well as are considered effective in reducing pigmentation. At the same time, Vitamin C promotes the production of collagen in the skin and provides young and smooth texture to the skin.

2. Help Boost Immunity

Vitamin C present in Kiwi is one of the essential and effective nutrients to boost immunity. A research was done by the National Library of Medicine on kiwi on 15 people suffering from vitamin C deficiency. Where they were asked to eat one kiwi each for 6 weeks, as a result, the amount of Vitamin C in their body was seen to be balanced. In such a situation, its consumption will strengthen your immunity and prepare your body to fight against different types of infections.

3. Heart health is better

Regular consumption of kiwi reduces the chances of heart related diseases. It is effective in the problem of high blood pressure. It is very important for a healthy heart to have a balanced blood pressure. A research was done on 102 smokers by the National Library of Medicine regarding Kiwi.

In which he was advised to eat 3-3 kiwis continuously for 8 weeks. As a result, everyone’s blood pressure was found to be balanced and blood circulation also improved. Along with this, the fiber present in Kiwi reduces the level of bad cholesterol, due to which the chances of heart stroke and heart blockage are reduced to a great extent.

kiwi  for heart health
Maintain heart health. Adobe Stock.

4. Controls the symptoms of asthma

According to the study done, the vitamin C and antioxidants present in kiwi help in controlling the symptoms seen in asthma. Especially if your children have any type of respiratory problem, then consuming kiwi will be very effective for them.

5. Maintain Digestive Health

According to a study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, sufficient amount of fiber is present in kiwi. In such a situation, its consumption is considered very beneficial for digestion. If you suffer from any problems like constipation, indigestion, acidity and gas, then kiwi can be a better option for you.

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