Why Fasting Blood Sugar Cross 150 Doctor suggest poor sleep quality and quantity can worsen diabetes tips to control glucose level



Less than 7 hours of sleep increases the risk of diabetes by 40 percent.
Many types of bodily functions are affected due to sleep.

Why Fasting Blood Sugar Cross 150 mg / dl: According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, about 422 million people in the world are suffering from diabetes. Along with this, about 15 lakh people die every year directly or indirectly due to diabetes. Heart related problems arise due to diabetes and it also affects the nerves of the eyes. In severe cases, the risk of kidney failure increases. In diabetes, blood sugar increases more than normal. Actually, normal fasting blood sugar in this person should be below 100 mg / dL. When it goes beyond 130 then it is a disease of diabetes. Many times people take medicines, exercise and also take healthy diet, yet some people complain that their fasting sugar level is more than 150.

The Indian Express has quoted Dr. Ambareesh Mittal, Head of the Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Max Healthcare, as saying that sleep may be mainly responsible for this. Many types of bodily functions are affected due to sleep. How you are taking sleep, it affects not only blood sugar but many things.

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The risk of diabetes in young people who get less sleep
Dr. Ambrish Mittal told that whenever such patients come to us and say that they have taken healthy diet, exercised daily, taken medicines, yet the fasting sugar level is more than 150. My simple answer to such questions is whether you have had enough sleep at night or have eaten late at night or more food. On this, the patients tell that everything is fine, but due to pressure and tension, they do not sleep well at night. Dr. Abrish Mittal told that this is the reason due to which fasting blood sugar becomes more than 150. He told that there have been many such studies in which it has been found that due to less sleep, the level of sugar becomes high.

Dr. Ambareesh Mittal said that even if the youth get less than 7 hours of sleep at night or less than 40 hours of sleep in a week, then their risk of getting diabetes increases by 40 percent. He said that when there is no sleep at night, the ghrelin hormone starts producing more. This hormone increases appetite. At the same time, the leptin hormone decreases which indicates satiety. That is, when the leptin hormone is low, then even after eating, there will be no satisfaction and the craving for sweet food will increase. This will also increase obesity. Obesity and increase in blood sugar can be life-threatening.

What to do so that fasting blood sugar does not increase
Dr. Ambareesh Mittal said that even if the lifestyle is correct and a healthy diet is taken, even then the fasting blood sugar increases, then the reason for this is lack of sleep and stress. Both these things have to be removed. Sleep and wake up at the same time every day for a good night’s sleep. Do not keep mobile, TV or gadgets together, read favorite books or listen to favorite music before sleeping. If tiredness is more then you can take a bath with lukewarm water before sleeping at night. Although it is not beneficial for everyone.

Do not eat food in bed and do not do any work. Silent the phone. Adjust the room temperature accordingly. Make the room light blue. Do not drink alcohol, cigarette at night. Have dinner before 9 pm. Apart from this, take the help of yoga, meditation to relieve stress. If it is not possible by itself, then take a course for a few days in a meditation center.

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Tags: Diabetes, Health, Health tips, Lifestyle


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