What a threat to India due to the spread of fungus infection in the US! Do people die from it? Know its symptoms



According to the American Center for Disease Control and Prevention, this fungus is a threat to the health of the whole world.
Candida auris paralyzes the immune system.

Deadly Drug Resistant Fungus in US: The devastation caused by Corona is still continuing unabated, on top of that the danger of attack of many other viruses, fungus and bacteria on the world is also not diminishing. Now a new fungus has started wreaking havoc in America. This fungus is spreading rapidly across America. So far, this fungus named Candida auris (C.auris) has taken almost half of the states of America in its grip. After a spurt in new cases of Candida auris last year, this year America has been badly troubled by the fungus. According to the American Center for Disease Control and Prevention, this fungus is a threat to the health of the whole world. The worst part is that Candida auris is drug resistance. That’s why this fungus is considered very dangerous. Candida auris paralyzes the immune system.

According to NBC News, at least 12 people have been infected by this virus since November, out of which 4 people have died. According to the report, 756 people were infected due to Candida fungus in America in 2020 but in 2021, 1471 people were infected with this fungus.

Where did the infection start
According to TOI news, the first case of infection with Candida auris fungus was reported in Japan in 2009. In 2013, its first case of infection came to light in America. By 2021, this fungus rapidly caught America. According to the Journal Annals of Internal Medicine, at least 5,754 cases of Candida auris infection were reported last year.

What does this fungus do in the body

Candida auris enters the body in two ways. The first one enters the liver through the skin, mouth and anus and starts affecting that organ. In this situation, no symptoms are visible in humans but it can infect others. Second, if there is a scratch or cut in any part of the body, then this fungus enters the blood. Due to this, the effect of infection is fast.

What are the symptoms of fungal infection

Candida auris infection is followed by fever and chills which does not go away even after taking antibiotics. Its treatment is also difficult because the same symptoms are also seen in many other diseases. For this reason, it gets treated wrongly. It requires blood test which is not available everywhere.

Will a person die from this infection

This can happen but till now there is no real data regarding this. The CDC has expressed the possibility of 30 to 60 percent mortality in Candida infection. Experts have expressed concern that apart from death, this fungus can give rise to many other serious diseases.

is there a cure

Most fungal diseases can be completely cured with antifungal medication. But scientists are afraid that when the disease will increase rapidly, then the medicine available at present will become resistance. This means that doctors will have to mix several types of medicines and give heavy doses.

How much impact on India

So far no case of Candida auris has been reported in India. However, according to the World Health Organization and the American Center for Disease and Prevention, this fungus is expected to affect the health system of the whole world.

who is more at risk

People who already have some or the other diseases, those people are more at risk from this fungus. At the same time, healthcare staff are also more at risk from this fungus.

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Tags: Health, Health News, Lifestyle


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