Video: Meteorites rained on the moon, Japanese astronomers captured the view on camera – watch video



Astronomers captured the fierce collision of a meteorite on their cameras
A meteorite has been caught hitting the moon using cameras to keep an eye on the moon
Captured Largest Lunar Impact Flash in Observational History

Tokyo, Astronomers of Japan captured a very fierce collision of a meteorite in their camera. According to Japanese media, a Japanese astronomer has caught a meteorite hitting the moon by using cameras to monitor the moon. Daiichi Fujii, curator of the Hiratsuka City Museum, recorded a brief flash on the moon. According to the website, the time of the flash on February 23 was 20:14:30.8 Japan Standard Time.

In a tweet, Fujii wrote that he was able to capture the largest lunar impact flash in his observation history. This is a photo of the Lunar Impact Flash that appeared on February 23, 2023 at 20:14:30.8, taken from my home.

Tags: Japan, Moon, Space news, World news


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