The protruding stomach will be completely inside


Vegetable Juice For Weight Loss: Losing excess weight is no less than a big challenge, it takes a lot of effort. The most important thing is what you are eating and drinking. If the diet is not right, then no matter how much you exercise, there will not be much difference in the results. Renowned Indian nutritionist Nikhil Vats said that if we increase our intake of some vegetable juices, we will lose weight faster.

Drinking the juice of these vegetables will reduce weight

Carrot juice
You can drink carrot juice for weight loss, it is a winter vegetable, although it is available in the market all year round. It contains a lot of fiber, due to which you do not feel hungry for a long time. In such a case, you avoid overeating and the weight gradually starts to fall off.

Bitter gourd juice
Bitter gourd is a vegetable that not everyone likes to eat because of its bitter taste, but in terms of health, there is no comparison. It is good for bile acids and also boosts metabolism. Drink 2 spoons of bitter gourd juice mixed with water daily, you will get fit in few days.

Beet juice
When it comes to weight loss, beetroot juice is considered to be very effective as it is a rich source of fiber. Consuming it makes you feel fuller for longer, which makes you eat less and then lose belly and waist fat.

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