The charisma of nature, the baby started walking as soon as it was born, the doctors and nurses were all surprised, watch the video


Viral Video: God created everything in the world in a certain way. Who will be born at what time, when will he sit, when will he walk, all the time is fixed. Especially for humans this time is certain. The baby grows in the mother’s womb for 9 months. During this period it develops. Body parts are formed. When he develops properly in the mother’s womb at nine months, then he comes into this world. After coming into the world he learns to sit and walk in time. But sometimes such cases are seen, which everyone is surprised to see.

One such video is going viral on social media. You won’t believe your eyes after watching this video. In this video, a baby is seen walking as soon as it comes out of the mother’s womb. As soon as the baby came out of the mother’s womb, he started walking. A nurse holds a baby on a bed. The child started walking with the support of the hand. This video is amazing because after coming out of the mother’s womb, the bones of babies are very weak. They are unable to walk. But here the magic happened.

This viral video has been shared on social media. People are surprised to see this. It is really surprising that the newborn baby was taking its steps from the womb. Babies take five to six months to do this. By then the bones of their feet become a little stronger. Only after this they can walk. But this kid was in a bit of a hurry. He immediately showed his magic and started walking.

The video was shared on Instagram, from where it has been viewed millions of times. People call this child as 5G child. It was written in the caption that such children do not wait for anything. In the comments, people described this video as very funny. A user wrote in the comment that he will achieve many feats before he turns one year old. Another user wrote that maybe her mother drank a lot of chicken soup during pregnancy.


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