Sugarcane juice health side effect ganne ke ras raise blood sugar levels dangerously lead to diabetes obesity heart disease and fatty liver



If you are consuming sugarcane juice continuously, then your weight may increase suddenly.
Sugarcane juice can also increase cholesterol.

Side Effects of Sugarcane Juice: Sugarcane is probably the sweetest natural crop in our country. There can hardly be anything sweeter than this. Despite being sweet, sugarcane is used in many diseases. Sugarcane juice is given to the patients in diseases of jaundice, hepatitis. Consuming sugarcane juice is also beneficial for cleaning the stomach. Sugarcane contains a high amount of iron which is also known to purify the blood. Sugarcane juice also gives instant energy to the body. Despite being so beneficial, sugarcane juice can make some diseases even more dangerous.

Although some people believe that sugarcane juice increases insulin, but the reality is that sugarcane juice can cause blood sugar spike to dangerous levels. Apart from this, sugarcane juice causes harm in many situations.

Do not consume sugarcane juice in these conditions

1. DiabetesIf you have diabetes, do not consume sugarcane juice at all. According to the news of Healthline, sugarcane juice is much sweeter than high sugar drinks. That’s why diabetes patients should not consume sugarcane juice under any circumstances. Blood sugar can reach dangerous levels as soon as you drink sugarcane juice. Although a small-scale study claimed that sugarcane juice contains antioxidants called polyphenols, which increase the amount of insulin in the pancreas, scientists have not preferred this research and diabetic people should stay away from sugarcane juice. asked to stay

2. Heart diseaseAccording to the news of WebMD, a study was published in Jama Internal Medicine in 2014 regarding sugarcane juice. In this study, it was claimed that people who get 20 percent of their energy from sugar, the risk of dying from heart disease increases by 38 percent. Since sugarcane juice contains a lot of sugar, heart patients should stay away from sugarcane juice.

3. blood pressureAccording to WebMD, consuming sugarcane juice can raise blood pressure. Since excess sugar makes BP more high, therefore patients of high BP are advised not to drink sugarcane juice.

4. CholesterolSugarcane juice can also increase cholesterol. That’s why people who have increased bad cholesterol should not consume sugarcane juice. There is also a risk of fatty liver disease from sugarcane juice.

5. Obesity- If you are consuming sugarcane juice continuously, then your weight may increase suddenly. Sugar is a major contributor to weight gain. That’s why if you want to avoid obesity, then you have to avoid the consumption of sugarcane juice.

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Tags: Diabetes, Health, Health tips, Lifestyle


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