Sleep less than this limit will block the arteries of the whole body, blood reaching the feet will also stop – Research



Due to less sleep, the risk of stroke and heart attack increases manifold.
About 200 million people in the world are suffering from PAD disease.

Short Sleep Increase Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke: Sleep is very important to keep the body healthy. If we do not get enough sleep at night, then the body becomes home to many diseases. Many earlier researches have said that not getting enough sleep at night increases the risk of stress and cardiovascular disease. Now a new study has claimed that if less than 5 hours of sleep is taken at night, then only the arteries that supply blood to the feet get clogged. Not only this, due to this the risk of stroke and heart attack increases manifold. This large-scale study states that less than 5 hours of sleep increases the risk of Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) by 74 percent. PAD is a condition in which the blood flow in the blood vessels is reduced. Through blood vessels, blood reaches the arteries from the brain to the feet.

According to the study, less sleep can give diseases related to the arteries in the whole body. It is the arteries that deliver blood to the heart, after which the blood gets purified and reaches different parts of the body. At the same time, blood reaches the feet only through the arteries.

Seven hours of sleep will reduce the risk of PAD
According to the website of the Global Diabetes Community, the study said that the first reason for this is that fatty plaque, ie sticky dirt made of fat, starts accumulating in the arteries. This is called atherosclerosis in medical language. Researchers said that we already knew about Coronary Artery Disease due to less sleep, but for the first time it has been known about the disease of PAD due to lack of sleep. Lead researcher Dr. Shui Yuan of the Karolinska Institute of Sweden said that our study proved that seven to eight hours of sleep daily reduces the risk of PAD to a great extent. Research has found that poor sleep at night either increases the risk of PAD or PAD causes poor sleep. It was said in this study that about 200 million people in the world are suffering from PAD disease. Dr. Shui Yuan said that sleep problems are very common in PAD patients.

Lifestyle changes necessary
The study covered 6.50 lakh people and was divided into two parts. In the first part, the researchers noted the amount of daytime naps and total nighttime sleep time in the study participants. At the same time, which people were at risk of PAD, it was also noted. In the second part, the link of this disease was traced through genetic data. The study found strong evidence that poor sleep increases the risk of PAD manifold. However, further study is needed regarding this matter. In this, it is necessary to find out how plaque starts accumulating in the arteries due to less sleep. Dr. Shui Yuan said that sleep can be increased by making changes in lifestyle. Especially through physical activity, the risk of PAD can also be reduced.

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Tags: Health, Health tips, Heart attack, Lifestyle


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