Side Effects of Bhindi: People suffering from 5 diseases should not consume Bhindi even by mistake, there will be huge losses instead of benefits.



Consuming okra can cause harm in case of kidney and gall bladder stones.
If you consume more okra then you may have the problem of bloating.

Side effects of lady finger: Okra is such a vegetable, which not only adults but also children like to eat. However, the effect of lady finger is cold, so consuming it in summer can be more beneficial than in cold. There is a store of nutrients in okra. There will be no such house, where bhindi sabzi is not prepared. People cook and eat it in many ways. Especially there is no answer for stuffed okra. Not only many nutrients are present in green lady finger, but green vegetable also provides many health benefits. But, if there are benefits of okra, it can also have some disadvantages.

nutrients in okra
Many types of nutrients are present in okra such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, vitamins A, C, E, K, unsaturated fatty acids, thiamin, Niacin, folate, amino acids etc. are found. Along with this, okra is also rich in anti-bacterial, anti-ulcer, anti-cancer etc. properties. In such a situation, its consumption can be very beneficial for children to elders.

Disadvantages of eating okra According to a news published in , by the way, eating okra is very healthy for health. It is a great food to include in the diet, but some people should consume it with caution.

Read this also: If you get sticky while cutting and cooking bhindi, then follow these tricks

– If you have any kidney related disease, then you should avoid consuming okra. Not only this, consumption of okra can cause harm even in case of kidney and gall bladder stones. It is better that you must take expert’s advice before consuming okra.

Apart from this, if you consume too much okra in a day, then you may have the problem of bloating. Since, the amount of fiber in it is very high, so this can be possible. It is better that you eat okra in limited quantity. Especially, those people who already have the problem of gas, bloating.

– If you eat okra after cooking it in excessive oil, then the chances of high cholesterol level may increase. It is better to cook bhindi in a simple, less oil and less spices and consume it in a healthy way.

Apart from this, refrain from eating okra even if the digestive system is weak or if you have cough, sinus. Eating too much can also cause diarrhea.

benefits of okra
It is said that okra is very beneficial for diabetes patients. In home remedies, people drink okra water to keep the sugar level under control. Okra is also considered healthy for the heart. Cholesterol level remains normal. Being an anti-carcinogenic element, okra can also reduce the risk of many types of cancer like colon cancer. It is healthy for the eyes. From weight to blood pressure, okra can also be kept under control.

Diabetic patients can also eat Dahi Bhindi without fear! the taste is also strong

Tags: Eat healthy, Health, Lifestyle


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