Risk of heart attack increased in youth too, take care of heart in 5 ways, doctor gave special advice



Nowadays even youth are becoming victim of heart attack.
Heart attack also happens due to excessive smoking.

Heart Attack Treatment: Recently, many cases of heart attack have been seen. The sudden death of people while laughing, playing or walking has forced even the doctors to think. In such a situation, it is very important to take care of health. The sudden death of many fit youth in the recent past has increased the concern about this. There has been a discussion about the sudden increase in heart attacks after Covid and how to keep our heart healthy.

Cardiologist in Super Specialty Hospital Rewa Doctor V. D. Tripathi Told that heart attack is a major reason for premature death of young and old people. Due to heart attack, many people die on the spot while some people die while being taken to the hospital and some people die in the hospital. In such a situation, it is very important to keep the heart healthy. Come, today we will tell you the measures to be taken for a healthy heart according to the doctor.

1. Eat green vegetables: Green vegetables are very beneficial for a healthy heart. Many types of nutrients come in green vegetables which keep the body healthy along with the heart. That’s why you must eat green leafy vegetables and healthy food.

2. Reduce Stress: Being stressed is a major reason for heart attack. If you are taking stress in any way, keep distance from it. To relieve stress, spend maximum time with your people. If there is a need for meditation for this, then that too should be done.

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3. Take healthy diet: In the present times, it has been seen that the lifestyle of the people has completely changed. People are eating more fried food from outside. Whereas one should try to use packaged food at least. For a healthy diet, eat foods rich in nutrients along with fruits, green vegetables. Along with this, people should stay away from other drugs along with smoking.

4. Get periodic checkups done: If your age is more than 40 years, then basic tests must be done from time to time. Sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol should be checked. This will keep you informed about your health.

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5. Exercise: Exercise is beneficial to reduce heart attack. By doing exercise and yoga, along with the heart, the body also remains healthy. However, keep in mind that do not exercise for a long time. This makes the heart stronger.

Tags: Health, Health benefit, Health News


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