Red meat seafood Sweetened drinks Alcohol 3 foods commonly triggers Uric acid know what to eat meal plans and more



The problem of uric acid can be triggered faster by organ meat.
Dairy products like milk, curd should be consumed instead of non-veg.

3 Foods That Trigger Uric Acid: People struggling with the problem of high uric acid are always advised to eat better. Uric acid can be controlled naturally through healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and physical activity. Some foods are such that the amount of purine is high. Things with purine can trigger uric acid by reaching the body, which causes gout and kidney problems. Gout is a type of arthritis in which there is severe pain in the small joints of the hands and feet.

Web MD Reports According to some foods and drinks can increase the level of uric acid in your body. If the level of uric acid remains under control, then the problem of gout can be relieved to a great extent. Especially avoiding non-veg foods is beneficial. Experts also advise such people to control high protein diet. Due to high purine and high protein diet, the problem of uric acid can be triggered. Gout caused by excess uric acid is a very painful condition and can happen to people of any age.

These 3 things will increase uric acid level

Red meat and seafood Organ meat and seafood have high amounts of a chemical called purine. When the body processes and breaks down too many purines, your uric acid levels rise. Such patients can consume milk, curd and low fat dairy products instead of non-veg.

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Sugary drinks To control uric acid level, distance should be made from sugary drinks like soda and cold drinks. Drinking sugar added juices and high fructose drinks can cause gout problems. Instead, drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

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alcohol – Alcohol and especially beer can increase your chances of developing gout. If you are a patient of uric acid, then make a distance from alcohol as soon as possible, otherwise your problem may increase further.

Tags: Health, Lifestyle, Trending news


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