New Discovery | Maharashtra: Scientists of Pune got big success, now we all can see our past




Pune: The National Center for Radiophysics Center in Pune, Maharashtra has made a big claim. Center director Yashwant Gupta says that we have made such a discovery through which radio signals have been detected in the emission of hydrogen gas from galaxies located millions of light years away. The biggest advantage of this will be that we can see the galaxy present in the universe millions of years ago. Through this, we will be able to see our past time as well.

Yashwant Gupta, director of the National Center for Radiophysics, told that with its help we will be able to reconstruct the history of the Universe. We made a new discovery related to the detection of radio signals emitted by neutral atomic hydrogen gas from distant galaxies in the universe.

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It is being claimed that the galaxy that existed millions and billions of years ago can be seen. This would enable the person to look back in time. This allows us to reconstruct the history of the universe. At present, according to which it is being claimed that according to that the secrets of the moon, stars, stars and the universe can be known. What is the source of the origin of the world of stars, the world of all of us. All this can be known.


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