Never seen so many clever pranksters! Many including Merkel, Johnson, Prince Harry got cheated… know what is Russia’s connection



These Russian pranksters are very high profile, many big leaders of the world have been cheated.
Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel also received a call.
Pranksters also did pranks with Prince Harry in the year 2020.

New Delhi. You must have read many news of pranksters. But never would have read the news of such high profile pranksters. A Russian pranksters posing as former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko managed to call former German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the phone to discuss developments in Ukraine and Belarus. However, Merkel appeared cautious during the call.

According to the news agency AP, the office of the former German Chancellor said that he received a call on January 12 from someone claiming to be Poroshenko. After this, the help of a German-Ukrainian translator was taken for this conversation. In a later statement, the office said Merkel informed the ministry about “the impression given by the caller during the call”, but did not say what it was.

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The callers pretending to be the former President of Ukraine were Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexey Stolyarov, better known as Vovan and Lexus. Both posted excerpts of the call on their Telegram channels. Where Merkel said that the much-awaited Minsk peace deal had brought precious time for Ukraine. Merkel and former French President Francois Hollande mediated a peace deal with Poroshenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2015. She also criticizes repression in autocratic Belarus.

Prank happened with many European leaders
The two pranksters previously embarrassed European politicians including French President Emmanuel Macron, Polish President Andrzej Duda and then-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, as well as Elton John and Prince Harry with similar hoaxes. In November 2022, when a missile exploded in eastern Poland, comedians pretending to be French President Emmanuel Macron tricked Polish President Andrzej Duda into giving him sensitive information. Let us tell you that in 2018, pretending to be the new Prime Minister of Armenia, the then British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson was also targeted. Johnson not only congratulated the caller on his election, but also discussed UK-Russia relations.

Prince Harry has also been called
pranksters in the year 2020 prince harry claimed to have made comments about leaving the royal family. According to the BBC, Prince Harry discussed a variety of issues after impersonating climate activist Greta Thunberg and her father in two phone calls. Prince Harry is said to criticize former US President Donald Trump on climate change.

Tags: Angela Merkel, Boris Johnson, Prince Harry, Russia


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