Never drink tea-coffee on an empty stomach, it produces dangerous acid in the stomach, there can be 5 big losses to health



Drinking tea or coffee on an empty stomach is injurious to health.
Drinking tea on an empty stomach is bad for teeth.
Drinking tea on empty stomach causes acidity problem.

Side Effects Of Drinking Tea: There are many people who are fond of tea in India. People are seen enjoying tea in the streets and squares. Many people are fond of drinking tea in the morning on an empty stomach. If you are also one of those people who like to drink tea first thing in the morning, then let us tell you that this habit of yours can be very harmful for your health. If you consume caffeine on an empty stomach in the morning and prefer to drink tea or coffee on an empty stomach, then it can cause many problems in your digestion. Come, today we will tell you the health hazards of drinking tea or coffee on an empty stomach.

1. Insomnia: According to a news published in Healthline, consuming more tea can cause insomnia and due to this the problem of irritability and fatigue starts.

2. Weakens Bones: If you drink tea or coffee every morning on an empty stomach, then in a few years pain starts in the joints of the body. Later on, the bones also become weak.

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3. Acidity: Drinking tea on an empty stomach kills our appetite and we do not feel like eating for hours. Due to this, the problem of formation of gas in the stomach starts. Because of this, the problem of acidity starts in the stomach. That’s why one should avoid drinking tea or coffee on an empty stomach in the morning.

4. Lack of nutrition: If you drink tea on an empty stomach every morning, it does not allow the absorption of nutrients in the body. It also reduces appetite.

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5. Harmful to teeth: When you drink tea on an empty stomach in the morning, acidity builds up in the body and the enamel of the teeth gets damaged due to contact with the teeth. Because of which there is also a problem of swelling in the gums. Drinking tea on an empty stomach in the morning is harmful for the teeth.

Tags: Coffee, Health benefit, Health News, Lifestyle


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