NDMC’s budget focuses on electric vehicles, this is the preparation


The New Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC) has given priority to electric mobility in its proposed budget for the year 2022-23. The corporation has said that it will stop buying petrol and diesel cars for its employees. Instead, the next financial year will focus on electric vehicles and EV infrastructure. Proposals announced by NDMC for the Budget 2022-23 include procurement of electric vehicles, setting up of more than 100 EV charging points.

of Hindustan Times according toNDMC President Dharmendra, in his budget speech on Friday, said that the New Delhi Municipal Corporation is ahead in measures to reduce pollution. Now it has resolved to stop the purchase of petrol or diesel based passenger cars. The corporation will also replace its existing fleet by purchasing electric cars in the future. He told that all this will happen in a sequential manner. NDMC has started more than 60 e-charging stations in its area. More than 100 e-charging stations will be set up this year.

He added that it is also planned to deploy a fleet of e-scooters this year to complement the smart bikes. Dedicated cycle track is expected to be installed under the cycle-in-city scheme. This will give office goers a chance to travel safely. In addition, trees are being washed to reduce dust pollution.
Significantly, the Delhi government is one of the first state governments in the country to bring a comprehensive EV policy. Launched in August 2020, this policy exempted EV owners from paying road tax and registration fees. The Delhi government has set a target of 25 percent of the total vehicle sales in the capital by EVs by 2024.

In recent times, the sale of electric vehicles has increased in Delhi-NCR. For the first time, Delhi has bought the maximum number of electric vehicles after petrol vehicles. Between September and November last year, 82,626 petrol vehicles were sold in Delhi. This was followed by the number of electric vehicles. They sold 9,540 units. In this way, electric vehicles have overtaken diesel and CNG vehicles in terms of sales.

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