Lack of this vitamin causes hair loss


Vitamin B12 Deficiency: In today’s fast paced life not everyone can take care of themselves. Due to which even eating and drinking does not work properly. Along with this, for the last few years, there is a shortage of vitamins in people’s bodies. The main reason is wrong eating habits.

Let us tell you that vitamin deficiency causes problems like weak bones to skin and hair loss, but most people do not know that the problem of hair loss is due to the lack of vitamins in the body. In today’s news, we will tell you which vitamin deficiency causes hair loss.

According to information, the cause of hair loss from graying is lack of vitamin B12 in the body. This is because B12 improves blood flow to the hair roots and also increases red blood cells. Due to this, hair growth is good, but when this vitamin starts to decrease, the hair roots also become weak. Due to which the hair starts falling. Apart from this, when vitamin D deficiency starts in the body, it also causes hair loss.

Along with this, if there is a lack of vitamin E in the body, then the problem of hair fall occurs. Due to lack of vitamin E, people are suffering from baldness at an early age. In such a situation, you should take full care of your food and drink.

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