know Why sleep decreases with age and tips for sound sleep


Good and sound sleep is essential for memory and focus, ie overall brain health. But do you wake up early in the morning despite going to bed late these days? Or do you have sleepless nights many times? In fact, it is the most natural sign of ageing. Various researches and experts agree that age affects our sleep as well. But why does sleep decline with age? What else can be its side effects (side effects of lack of sleep)? To know this, let’s look at some research.

when, how much sleep is normal

Immediately after birth the baby sleeps for 22 out of 24 hours. As he grows up, his sleep varies according to the body. As an adult, a person takes 8-9 hours of sleep. The role of sleep is important for brain health. 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep is essential for nerves, neurotransmitters and brain. As we age, our sleep starts getting affected. Not being able to sleep for several hours at night, waking up throughout the night are common problems experienced with ageing.

what research says about sleep

According to research published in the journal Sleep Medicine Clinics included in PubMed Central, sleep changes with age. As we age, it becomes more and more difficult for us to sleep soundly every night. With age, there is a problem of not getting deep sleep.
We do not get non-REM sleep. At the same time, REM sleep is also less available. Sleep disturbances are more commonly reported in older people. Symptoms like sleeping less time in general, waking up more often in the night are more visible in the elderly.โ 

โ Implications on Brain Health

Sleep deprivation is not harmless. These have side effects on brain health. This is the reason why the memory of the elderly starts getting weaker than that of children or adults. Therefore it is very important to deal with this problem properly. Some measures can be taken for sound sleep. First of all, do you know why sleep declines with age?

What are the causes of sleep decline?

Sleeping in deep sleep is called stage 3 sleep. It is essential for muscle and tissue growth. During this, cellular repair also takes place in the body. Hormonal changes, medical complications and stress are the major factors leading to loss of sleep as we age. Sleep can also be affected due to depression, anxiety, working in night shift. Some medicines are also responsible for not allowing sound sleep in old age. Genetics can also be the reason for this.

circadian system is affected

According to the Harvard University Journal, the reduction in the duration of nighttime sleep leads to an increase in the frequency of daytime naps in older people. Most of these changes occur between youth and middle age. If older adults are healthy, they will have little or no problem.

With aging, the body’s circadian system and sleep homeostatic mechanisms begin to weaken. In addition, the amount and pattern of secretion of sleep-related hormones also change. Medical, psychiatric, environmental changes, social interactions, and lifestyle changes can also cause it.

As you age, your body’s circadian system also gets affected. Image: Adobe Stock

These measures can be helpful in sound sleep (How to get sound sleep)

Lifestyle changes can help the body get more deep and restful sleep as we age.

1 Aerobic Exercise

Cardio workout, also known as aerobic exercise. Swimming, biking, jogging or walking are cardio workouts. They sleep well. Anulom Vilom, Bhramari Pranayama, Dirga Pranayama, Shavasana also help in getting deep sleep.

Quit any type of addiction

If you do any type of intoxication, then leave it immediately. Addiction affects our neurotransmitters and sleep. Do not consume nicotine, caffeine before sleepingเฅค

3 Sleep Supplement

Sleep supplements can also be tried for sound sleep. It is important to consult a doctor before trying a sleep supplement.

Taking supplements doesn't solve your problem
It is important to consult a doctor before trying a Susleep supplement. Image: shutterstock

They sleep according to the medicines already taken by the person. will prescribe supplementsเฅค

Do not bring 4 gadgets in the bedroom (Avoid Technology)

Cut yourself off from any type of technology an hour before bedtime. Research has proved that blue light emitted from electronic goods affects hormones. Due to which there is a problem in getting sound sleep.

Read this also :-These ancient methods told by experts will give you deep and sweet sleep


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